Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Suicide Squad Adds Steve Trevor and Killer Croc!

Have you ever heard the phrase "There can be too much of a good thing"? Well fuck whoever said that crap because Suicide Squad is giving us so much amazingness it can't possibly be bad for us. David Ayer has officially unmasked himself as Santa Claus because he is spreading joy and presents throughout the DC universe.

It all started last night, when Latino Review revealed that professional gorgeous man Scott Eastwood, son of little known actor Clint Eastwood, would cameo in Suicide Squad as Col. Steve Trevor. Thus setting up a role for him in the Wonder Woman movie. Will he be crash landing on Themscyria? That remains to be seen. But this is a cool thread of world building and Eastwood is a star in the making. Hope and him and Gal Gadot can find some good chemistry because I would much rather have these two as love interests rather than Superman and Wonder Woman. Hey Superman, you are dating Lois Lane (Amy Adams) leave some cool women for the rest of us.

Source: Latino Review

Continuing the trend of awesomeness, The Wrap reported today that Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (OZ) will play Batman bad guy Killer Croc in Suicide Squad as well. This was a heart stopper for me. I'm a massive Adewale fan. He first gained my attention as Adebisi on OZ. Beside his uncanny ability to keep a tiny hat on the top of his head, he was the scariest and most physical character on the show. He always kept you entertained and on the edge of your seat. You never knew what he was gonna do next. So when Adewale showed up in another show I was watching, Lost, as Mr. Eko, I was ecstatic. So much so that when the show eventually killed him off, I stopped watching. (I never found out what happened on the island and I don't give a shit either). So to hear this man will be playing one of my favorite Bat-villains is a dream come true. 

Though the coolest component of adding Killer Croc is that it means that he has fought Batman before in this universe. It means Bats has put more criminals away than just Joker and Harley Quinn. So any number of classic Batman villains could already exist in this universe. Which is such a cool idea that any baddie who pops up against Batman in a future film will have some history battling him.

Croc is special though because for years we were forced to see a "realistic take" on Batman by Chris Nolan, where more fantastical bad guys like Croc were left off the table in favor for villains who were more likely to be real. And while that was great, the possibilities in the DCCU are much more open. Just imagine a Batman vs. Croc fight in the sewer in the beginning of the next solo Bat flick? That would be insane. Hell, maybe Croc will beat down Batman with a can of peaches. Or maybe Croc will just throw a rock at him. There can never be too much of a good thing, right?

Source: The Wrap

Thanks for reading! What do you guys think of Killer Croc and Steve Trevor? Would you like to see Batman fight Croc? What's your favorite Adebisi moment? Let us know in the comments or tweet at us @Caped_Informers or me @cstrand73. And make sure to tune in for our weekly Arrow and Flash reviews. Suicide Squad  begins filming soon and will hit theaters in August, 2016.

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Arrow/Flash Spinoff Casts Hawkgirl + Rip Hunter!

Deadline has reported that Ciara Renee (Law and Order: SVU) has been tapped to play Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl on the upcoming Flash/Arrow spinoff series that is set to debut in late 2015/early 2016. The site was also kind enough to release this short but sweet official description about the character: "Kendra Saunders is a young woman who is just beginning to learn that she has been repeatedly reincarnated over the centuries. When provoked, her ancient warrior persona manifests itself, along with wings that grow out of her back, earning her the moniker…Hawkgirl." 

Source: Deadline

Ciara Renee joins a very strange array of characters from both Arrow + The Flash. Which so far includes The ATOM, Hawkgirl, Captain Cold, Heatwave, One half of Firestorm, and Sara Lance's corpse. Plus three DC characters, who will be new to TV, are expected to be introduced as well. I sure as hell have no idea what's going on, but you know what, I dig. A whole crazy ass list of DC characters being produced by the people who make Arrow/Flash. Sign me up. Especially since many of these awesome characters will never get the silver screen treatment. It's gonna be cool to see a separate team of lesser known heroes assemble on TV. Now just cast a Booster Gold and let's get this train rolling.

P.S. Why hasn't Robbie Amell aka Ronnie Raymond joined this cast yet? The other half of Firestorm, Victor Garber aka Martin Stein, has. I can only jump to one logical conclusion, Ronnie has left Firestorm. First Zayn leaves 1D, now Ronnie leaves Firestorm. #WorstWeekEver, I can't take much more heartbreak. #ComeBackRonnie

UPDATE: Arthur Darvill (Doctor Who) has also been added to the Flash/Arrow spinoff as time-traveler Rip Hunter. His character description is "a roguish time traveler who hides the strains of being responsible for history itself behind a facade of charm and wit." This addition makes sense because of the recent discovery of time-travel on The Flash. Also since Rip is Booster Gold's son, I think it should be about time we bring him into this little party as well. So what do you guys think of Hawkgirl and Rip Hunter? Sound off in the comments.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Arrow "Suicidal Tendencies" Thoughts/Review

Taking a well deserved honey moon to Kasnia with The Suicide Squad, Diggle and Lyla, run into some trouble in an all new Arrow.

Episode Description: It's celebration time as Diggle and Lyla get married. However, Deadshot interrupts their honeymoon and tells them the Suicide Squad has been given a new mission rescue United States Senator Joseph Cray from a hostage situation in the Republic of Kasnia. Amanda Waller breaks down the mission and introduced them to the newest member of the Suicide Squad, Cupid. Meanwhile, Oliver learns about Ray's new Atom costume and the two have a heated stand-off. Felicity and Ray hit a rough patch.

High Points

  • "I love weddings, drinks all around"! as Captain Jack would say. Congrats to the newly weds.

  • It's always good to see Diggle get some action in an episode. Besides when him and Ollie took on the league, it has been to long since we have seen him in action.
  • Suicide Squad is back, and Cupid joins their ranks and I thought she fit in pretty well.
  • I really enjoyed the the Ollie 4-way fight with him self. 
  • The ATOM suit showed us some new abilities that we weren't able to see in last weeks episode.
  • The Ollie-Ray face off was pretty cool. Each one now knows where the other stands in terms of saving the city and also Felicity.
  • The flash back scenes this week gave us an insight to Dead Shot's background which I thought was pretty interesting. 
  • To add to the Dead Shot background, we see the mention of HIVE, how he became a bounty hunter, and his first target.
  • I thought the plot had a pretty good twist involving the suicide squad and their mission in Kasnia. A senator faking a hostage situation just for a presidential bid. 
  • Very action packed episode with well balanced drama if you ask me.
  • Dead Shot taking a hero's death to save others. He was a true soldier till the end. We applaud your efforts good sir. 
  • Did the ending reveal something that will shake Team Arrow?!?

"congratulations Dig and Lila"

"We want you to join the Suicide Squad"

Low Points
  • Why did Felicity sound like she was on drugs the entire episode? Speaking slowly almost sounding like she was drunk. Just really don't like how her character has evolved. 
  • The ATOM suite is still a glorified Iron Man suite. Although Tony Stark would approve, we want to see some shrinking in size some real ATOM suite abilities.
  • Although Dead Shot was a villain, it was sad to see him go. He was a great villain and a lot of fun to watch. 
  • If Diggle ever left Team Arrow, there would be riots in the streets. Im talking burning cars, angry mobs, you know the stuff you see after a Patriots Super Bowl loss at Umass.

"I am Iron Man...ur uh I mean.....ATOM"

Verdict: Tonight's episode pretty much picked up right off from last week. The League of Assassins are framing The Arrow for murder to have the city turn against him. Also this week we had the Suicide Squad and their next mission. With Waller dispatching the Squad to Kansia, Team Arrow loses Dig to his duties. Although the story line of the squad this week did not have much to do with the underlying story line, we still got to see some awesome action, some characterization of Dead Shot, and also a warriors death (you know who I am talking about). Lets focus now on what the league is doing to Ollie. Along with the entire city being turned against him we see Ray Palmer taking actions into his own hands, and his own plan to take down the Arrow. After an X-Ray (no pun intended) ATOM discovers Ollie is the Arrow and decides to take matters into his own hands. So we get to see our first Arrow v. ATOM show down. Wasn't much of anything. A couple of sonic blasts, and before you knew it it was over. Arrow shuts the suit down and tells Ray he's not a killer, back off, and go to Felicity thus in a nut shell ending Olicity. My question is this, what can we see in the future? The end of the episode left us hanging, Ray and Ollie seem to have an understanding with each other so could we see a future team up? How will this all play out when Ollie is being shunned by the entire city with Ras Ah Gul completely in control? The answers lie within the remaining episodes of season 3.
All in all I give tonight's episode a solid 8 out of 10!

Thanks for reading guys! What do you think is next for Team Arrow? Will Ray and Ollie team up? Were you satisfied with the suicide squad's results? Leave us a comment or tweet us @Caped_Informers or @O_DoyleRULES11.

Tune in next week for episode 18 "Public Enemy"

First Look At Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor!

Exactly one year from today, Batman will meet Superman on the big screen. It will be a momentous occasion. Colors will look a brighter, food will taste a little better, and orgies will break out at the mere mention of Ben Affleck's chin. But until then we will have to just enjoy the first look images that Zack Snyder has been sporadically releasing. For today's viewing pleasure Entertainment Weekly has released the first picture of Jesse Eisenberg's (Zombieland) Lex Luthor.

Source: EW

Look at him in all his bald glory!
The curls are gone and what remains is a bald scowling man. Seriously though I think that was what most people were afraid of, a curly haired Lex Luthor. Personally I was just like everyone else when Jesse Eisenberg was first cast. I was apprehensive about it. But after our second podcast called "When Jesse Met Smaug?", I got onboard. Jesse has shown time and time that he has acting ability. Just because he played Mark Zuckerberg before doesn't mean this performance will be a carbon copy. And from the sounds of the EW interview Jesse seems to be taking this character in a fun new direction. I mean he does look quite menacing in this picture. I'm excited to see what the final product looks like. 

As for the people who wanted Bryan Cranston for Luthor, what would be exciting about seeing another picture of Bryan Cranston bald? It would be the same thing you saw a million times on Breaking Bad. Just because he was bald in one role doesn't mean he needs to play every bald characters for the rest of his life. The man has hair goddamn it, let him show it off in his remaining years. Now while I do think Cranston obviously has the chops to play the titular villain, his age was my main concern. He was just too much older then Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill. Like in Smallville and Mark Waid's Superman: Birthright, I prefer a Lex who is of a similar age as the Big Blue Boy Scout. Eisenberg is the same age as the Beefcake of Steel which makes me happy. But for the people who want Cranston in a DC movie (or any comic movie), I (and about a billion other people) think he should play Jim Gordon in the Batman flicks. He is the perfect age and with a mustache, he is picturesque of Gordon's comic counterpart.

At the end of the day though, I would let a fucking ewok play Lex Luthor if he shaved his head. Glad to see that Jesse grabbed a razor and joined the famous bald community. Jesse Eisenberg, Larry David, George Constanza, Walter White #UniteTheBald!

Thanks for reading! What do you guys think of Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor? Let us know in the comments or tweet at us @Caped_Informers or me @cstrand73. And make sure to tune in for our weekly Arrow and Flash reviews.

The Flash "Rouge Time" Review/Thoughts

From holding up a casino for fun with the Snart siblings to shooting the shit about high school girlfriends with the Ramon brothers, this week's episode of The Flash sat us down and taught us all about the importance of sibling bonding.

Episode Description: After accidentally running back in time, Barry gets a chance to alter his future for the better. However, things take a bad turn when the Rouges return to Central City with their newest member, Lisa Snart, a.k.a. Golden Glider.

High Points:

  • Scumbag Barry Allen: Is asked not to tamper with the timeline in any way. Goes ahead and tampers with the timeline in every possible way
  • Positives to this include the Weather Wizard being put away in record time and Cisco getting to live
  • I was interested by Harrison Well's reaction to learning Barry traveled back in time. We learned last week he is waiting for Barry to be able to break the time barrier so he can go home, but even when he was alone in his back room this week he seemed more nervous about Barry's newfound ability. We may know who Wells is now but we still need to find out what causes the Flash to "go missing" in 2024.
  • I loved the interactions between Captain Cold and The Flash this week. This is the third time this season the Rouges have faced off with the Flash and the arch-rivalry between Snart and Allen is really starting to show. 
  • On top of that, I especially liked the exchange Snart and Allen had in the woods. It established A) a true superhero/villain arch rivalry between Captain Cold and the Flash and B) their "game". In the New 52, Captain Cold and The Flash have a similar relationship where they continue to go head-to-head over time as long as no one has to die as a result. I really enjoyed seeing this similar relationship form in this episode
  • I was a fan of Golden Glider as a character. I am not overly sold on her "gold gun" but I enjoyed the dynamic between her and her brother Leonard
  • Barry has a heart-to-heart with Eobard Thawne in which he asks Barry how many other people might have to die if he goes back in time to save his mother (Flashpoint Paradox anyone?)
  • Cisco has a heart-to-heart with Eobard Thawne that goes a lot better for Cisco this week than it did last week
  • Rest In Peace Mason Bridge. We thought your appearance in the show may signal a potential relationship with The Flash, but you barked up the wrong tree and got your heart stopped by The Reverse Flash (that really seems to be Eobard's go-to move)
  • Finally after everyone else has had a run at being suspicious of Dr. Wells, it is Barry's turn
Low Points:
  • I am still not overly sold on Heat Wave. I know that an unhealthy obsession with fire is kind of THE defining characteristic of Heat Wave, but right now he just kind of strikes me as a goon with a flamethrower. I'd like to see a bit more character development there
  • I also wasn't sold on Golden Glider's "gold gun". Sure it looked kind of cool but Golden Glider is named more for the ice skates that allow her to skate around in midair than anything having to do with gold. I feel like they just want Cisco to have to make a gun for every villain that ends up being on the Rouges. 
  • Why the hell does Cisco's family give him such crap for being a mechanical engineer? "You think your mechanical engineering can help us now?" -Dante Ramon. And your piano playing is going to help out all the more Dante? Get a job hippie.
Preferably one that pays this time Dante

Verdict: As exciting as the last 15 minutes of last week's episode was, It was clear that all that ground was going to give way to an alternate timeline when Barry ended up running back in time. Zero time was wasted in wrapping up the whole Weather Wizard storyline which allowed time for the Rouges to make their third appearance this season. On a small side note I found it very interesting that very different events occurred because of one thing Barry changed when he went back in time. The Rouges didn't pull their casino heist the first time around, only after Barry went back in time. Sounds like there may have been a "time boom" involved in Barry's tie traveling, similar to the large scale one that occurs when The Flash goes back in time to save his mother in Flashpoint Paradox. I'm not speculating anything in the way of a full-scale Flashpoint Paradox scenario, but it is exciting to see that more events are effected by Barry's time travel than just the events he chooses to tamper with. This time the unforeseen event was Captain Cold and his gang rolling back into town to do what they do best: commit petty theft and crime just because it is so gosh darn fun. Gold gun aside, I enjoyed the Rouges' newest addition to the team, Golden Glider, and I think her personality compliments her brother's very well. I am also an ever growing fan of this Captain Cold and the dynamic he has with Barry Allen. As the leader of the Rouges, Captain Cold is one of The Flash's oldest rivals and this episode did a great job in really establishing them as just that. Like I was saying in my high points, The New 52 comic run of The Flash alludes to a "game" that Captain Cold and The Flash have. Essentially it is a sort of agreement that no one has to get killed in this constant back and forth between the two, and it is exactly what was established between the two characters in tonight's episode. Barry can't put Cold away without revealing his own secret identity to the world, but Barry was able to use Leonard's ego to keep him from killing people in the future. It is an interesting hero/villain relationship that commands that each party have a level of respect for the other while still being directly opposed to one another, which I think is going to make for a great arch-rivalry between the two in future episodes. Also, in the New 52 Captain Cold only breaks from their "game" when he suspects that The Flash was responsible for his sister's death, so there could be potential for a storyline involving the death of Golden Glider in the future. In the meantime there was not too much that happened on the Harrison Wells front during this episode. We saw him in his back room checking the newspaper from 2024 and we watched him as he killed Mason Bridge. We are starting to reach a point in the show where the questions start shifting from "Who is Harrison Wells?" to "What are his true plans/motives?". We know that he is trapped in this time and needs Barry to get back to his own time, but when is that? Usually Eobard Thawne is a man from the 25th century so why is he so obsessed with making sure that happened The Flash disappears in 2024? It appears to me we have two options on our hands. Either we are forced to wait through nine more seasons of The Flash before we reach an end to this storyline in the real 2024, or we are going to see some time-travel into the future fairly soon. As much as I would love to see the show run for that long, I hope to god it is the second one because the episode cliffhangers this season alone have made me speculate almost to the point of paranoia. I feel like I'm trying to get to the bottom of some huge conspiracy theory every time I flip on my TV on Tuesday night. 

Even Spidey wants to know what the hell is going on in this show

We also got the death of Mason Bridge tonight but I don't feel to shaken by that personally. He was a character who was known to be friends with Wally West so originally there was the thought that his presence in the show could signal a potential appearance of the second Flash. However, he only ended up serving as a character who poked his head in now and again to be generally suspicious of Harrison Wells. And who knows, with all this timeline hopping who can truly say who will remain dead for how long (I'm looking at you Cisco). All in all it was another strong appearance by The Rouges this week and Captain Cold has turned out to be a great foe for The Flash to butt heads with time and time again. An 8.0 out of 10 seems in order.

Thanks for checking out the review! Who do you think should be the next addition to the Rouges Gallery? Who had a worse time with the ladies this week: Barry or Cisco? Let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments and on twitter @Caped_Informers. Be sure to check back here for more show and movie reviews as well as news and original articles concerning your favorite comic heroes. The Flash returns same time next week with "Tricksters". 

A Lesson in Time Travel from Professor Zoom: In case anyone felt like they were woefully uninformed on the scientific complexities of what constitutes a "time boom", please take a brief moment to watch as Professor Zoom explains this concept in simpler terms. Also watch him fight The Flash and get pumped for the potential showdown later this season.

A Note from Christian: Everyone who has every been alive needs to watch this video.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Arrow "The Offer" Review

Ra's Al Ghul offers up the position of the Demon's Head, while Ray Palmer offers up the promise of steak dinner in an all new Arrow. (SPOILERS!)

Episode Description: Still weighed down by his last meeting with Ra’s al Ghul, Oliver returns home to find a new villain and his crew have started terrorizing Starling City – Michael Amar AKA Murmur, a man whose mouth has been sewn shut. Meanwhile, Laurel and Nyssa bond over their issues with their fathers and Nyssa make Laurel an offer. Thea is forced to come to terms with her father after Oliver brings Malcolm to the loft to recover, and Lance shuts out both Laurel and the Arrow.

High Points

  • Thea feels strong guilt for Sara's death. She has really been put through the ringer.
  • Nyssa Al Ghul beats on Roy and Laurel in the Arrow Cave.
  • Lazarus Pits exist and Ra's has been using them. (Why couldn't this have been revealed by reviving Ollie in one?).
  • When Black Canary, Arrow, and Arsenal all team up, I get tingles in my bathing suit area.
  • Officer Lance expressed his anger with the Arrow for not telling him about Sara's death and how Laurel has now become the Canary. Paul Blackthrone always does great with this kind of emotional material. Him and Joe West really need to meet up sometime and vent about these damn superhero kids of theirs.
  • Ray Palmer is suave as hell. He makes me want to go on a steak dinner with him.
  • Ollie got friend-zoned.
  • Thea's mid drift is back and better than ever.
  • Daddy Diggle always has to play the role of Oliver Queen's psychiatrist. Where would the Team be without him.
  • Malcolm tries to be a supportive dad by telling Thea to kill him. #FatherOfTheYear
  • Felicity gives one of her old school pump up speeches. #OldSchoolFelicity
  • Cops are absolutely useless in the Flarrow universe and its hilarious. #FuckThePolice
  • Nyssa saves the day!
  • Awesome action set piece at the precinct Laurel, Arsensal, Arrow, and Nyssa kick some mute ass.
  • Oliver Queen doesn't dance. "You know I don't dance".

  • Ollie rediscovers why he is a hero.
  • Laurel and Nyssa are gonna train together. Laurel has become a great character. Her, Nyssa, and Thea have really become #TeamDaddyIssues.
  • Thea like anyone would seeks the comfort of Roy Harper. 
  • Ra's is posing as the Arrow to try to hurt Oliver's reputation.
Decisions ... Decisions
Low Points
  • Boring opening that had Ollie chat with Ra's about shit we already knew.
  • Can someone explain how Ollie "defied death"? Was it really just because it was cold.
  • What the hell is Ollie talking about when he said "All the guys we put away are back out"? You stopped plenty of people who are still locked up (ex. Slade, Boomerang, Brick).
  • Ollie is actually considering Ra's offer just so we can fill up an episode.
  • Murmur went out with a whimper. He was a villain who couldn't speak, so it was not surprising he wasn't overly compelling.
Live look at Murmur getting booked at the precinct.
Verdict: For a month, I have been ranting and raving about how Arrow continues to steal elements from Batman's universe. When Ra's Al Ghul offered Ollie the position as leader of the League of Assassins, I lost my shit. Shouting complaints to anyone who would listen. And then I began posting this picture anyplace that would listen to my tirades.

But as most fanboys do, I think I overreacted. The ending of "The Offer" just sent this story into a direction that I didn't see coming. Instead of Ollie rejecting Ra's offer and the League subsequently launching an attack on Starling, the writers threw us a curveball by having Ra's Al Ghul impersonate the Arrow. It was a cool twist that was reminiscent of a Batman/Ra's storyline. The Demon Head's late nights in the hood will definitely affect the Arrow's reputation in Starling and lead to a much more interesting clash between the League of Assassins and Team Arrow. 
          As for the rest of the crew this week, many of our favorite characters were left to deal with their daddy issues. Laurel is having trouble with Lance after she repeatedly lied to him. Thea wants to kill her dad, Malcolm. And Nyssa is pissed that her dad would choose an outsider over her to lead the League. Each character sought comfort in someone to talk about their issues which led to the awesome team up of Nyssa and Laurel. This will be huge for Laurel. She can finally receive some hardcore training and be ready to kick ass on the streets just like Sara did. Not to mention it will get Ollie to stop saying she needs more training.
         For the villain of the week, Murmur didn't factor in much. He couldn't speak so it's not like he would be able to say anything anyway. Unlike The Flash's Weather Wizard from last night, Murmur made zero impression. Just don't bring this weirdo back.
          "The Offer" did not have a final 10 minutes like last night's The Flash, but it did offer a twist of it's own. So by surprising me with their direction, Arrow gets a solid 7.5 out of 10. Who is excited for the return of the Suicide Squad next week?!

Thanks for reading! What do you guys think of Ra's pretending to be the Arrow? Have you ever been friend zoned? Would you get a steak with Ray Palmer? Let us know in the comments or tweet at us @Caped_Informers or me @cstrand73. And make sure to tune in next week for "Suicidal Tendencies". 

The Flash "Out of Time" Reviews/Thoughts

Welcome back to the weekly The Flash review! After a second month-long hiatus this season, The Flash returned this week with about a month's worth of stuff to discuss. We got a taste of just about everything this week from romance to great action scenes to the utterance of the name we have all been waiting to hear: Eobard Thawne!! Throw in a surprising time-travel based plot twist and you got yourself a hell of an episode to talk about.

Episode Description: Mark Mardon, a.k.a. Weather Wizard, returns to Central City to seek revenge on the man who killed his brother: Detective Joe West. Meanwhile, Cisco starts to become suspicious of Dr. Harrison Wells and attempts to understand what went wrong the night they had the reverse Flash briefly contained in S.T.A.R. Labs.

High Points:

  • I was wondering when/how/if we were going to get the real Weather Wizard. Enter Mark Mardon, who in my opinion was a much better villain than his one-episode worthy, god-complex having brother Clyde Mardon. (Mark called himself a god as well, but at least it wasn't a defining character feature for him)
  • The scenes where the Weather Wizard used his powers were awesome. Especially during his attack on the police station. He has much better control over his powers than his brother did which makes him a more formidable opponent for Barry.
  • I am enjoying the Joe West/Mark Mardon rivalry. One of the things I have come to like about this show is that everyone seems to have their own personal rivalries going on, whether it is Barry and the Reverse Flash or Harrison Wells and General Eiling or even Cisco and Hartley Rathaway. It gives other characters something to do and it adds to them as characters overtime as well. 
  • Harrison Wells has become the talk of Central City. First we got Joe suspecting him of murder and now we got Mason Bridge getting Iris to ask around as well as Cisco starting to look into it himself. 
  • Cisco creates a "wand" that allows Barry to negate Mardon's weather powers. Sounds like another one of Cicso's gadgets could potentially fall into the wrongs hands (Weather Wizard's weather wand anyone?)
  • The episode hit a certain point toward the end where suddenly shit started getting crazy. The following points highlight said craziness
  • Dr. Harrison Wells reveals himself to Cisco as Eobard Thawne!! 
  • Eobard Thawne then tells Cisco that Eddie is a distant relative and he shows Cisco that by using his super speed he can appear to be in two places at once! (Thus explaining why he was able to confront himself during "The Man in the Yellow Suit" episode)
  • Thawne then kills Cisco! By vibrating his hand fast enough to reach into his chest and stop his heart!

  • Meanwhile Barry not only gets a kiss from Iris but he also reveals to her that he is The Flash!
  • And finally, Barry runs so fast that he goes back in time! And it turns out that the figure he saw running next to him in the beginning of the episode was himself!! And since Barry knew nothing of the events that unfolded between Wells and Cisco, we are basically right back to where we started!!!
It's a lot to take in Larry...It's a lot to take in...

Low Points:
  • Most of the major events of this episode took place within the last 10 minutes of the episode so the beginning seemed slow by comparison, with a lot of focus being put on how Eddie and Linda felt awkward during their bowling date
  • It seemed like  Weather Wizard was able to get away a lot this episode. He attacked Barry twice at close range and when the attack was over it just kind of ended there. There wasn't much of an attempt on Barry's part to pursue or contain him. Mardon was just left to drive/walk away.
  • Because Barry went back in time at the end of the episode, it seems like a lot of the ground that got covered in this week's episode may be erased. However, that doesn't change the fact that Harrison Wells IS Eobard Thawne. 
VerdictUsually when I sit down to watch The Flash I expect to get smacked upside the head with some new plot-forwarding information, but tonight was just straight-up offensive barrage:

What I have come to expect while watching The Flash

What happened during this episode

Let's start with Dr. Harrison Wells confession. We learned last month that Wells was definitely the Man in the Yellow Suit when he unmasked himself to General Eiling. Now we finally got him to say the name that I have been writing without a definite face to match it to for months now: Eobard Thawne! He also displayed his ability to create a "speed mirage" which finally gives a solid explanation for what the hell was going on during the midseason finale. Unfortunately, this puts to rest the speculations of two yellow speedsters running around (at least for now), but I am very ok with that just knowing that Eobard Thawne and Gorilla Grodd are already present in Central City. We also get a quick glimpse into Eobard's motives, as he tells Cisco he needs The Flash to be able to get back to his own "world". Did the Reverse Flash travel back in time with no idea how to return hime? Did he have a way of getting back originally but something went wrong? And if he originally meant to kill Barry why did Nora end up dead? These are just some of the questions caused by a complex time-travel based storyline, and luckily for us, Barry did his first bit of time-traveling this episode! It was accidental and he only went back a handful of days but it was extremely exciting to see! However, Barry's impromptu time-travel does make it a bit difficult to seriously talk about the other events that took place during the last 10 minutes of the episode because it looks like Barry is going to get a second chance to keep things from escalating to that point. It looks like Barry will have the insight next week to stop Weather Wizard before Joe gets captured, which means him and Iris probably won't kiss, which means he probably won't reveal himself as The Flash to her. On the other side of town Cisco probably won't get the chance to fully investigate the night they almost had the Reverse Flash, which means Harrison won't have to reveal himself as Eobard Thawne to him which means Cisco doesn't have to die! So there is good and bad to come out of this alternate time-line, but whatever happens next week, it does not change what we now know to be true about Eobard Thawne. As for the other 40 minutes of the episode, there was not too much going on besides the most awkward bowling date ever and a lot of cool Weather Wizard action. I'm not saying that Mark Mardon was an overly spectacular villain but I did enjoy him as the Weather Wizard a lot more than his brother. Plus I am glad to see that the Weather Wizard will get more screen time than just one episode. He is a decently notable villain of The Flash and is a potential member of the Rouges so he deserves slightly more than taking two in the chest during the show's pilot. Also next week's episode is titled "Rouge Time" so who knows. Maybe Mark will join the Rouge's roster when they swing through town again. All in all this ended up being a very exciting episode, even if half of it was erased by Barry's time-traveling. However, I guess if we are going to start diving headlong into the time-traveling aspect of Barry's powers we better get used to having alternate timelines thrown at us. An 8.0 out of 10 is in order.

Thanks for reading the review! What are your thoughts on Barry's unplanned trip back in time? Did you shit your pants as hard as I did when Harrison Wells introduced himself as Eobard Thawne? Let us know in the comments or on twitter @Caped_Informers. Be sure to check back here regularly for more reviews of your favorite comic books shows and movies as wells as other articles about your favorite heroes. The Flash returns same time next week with "Rouge Time". 

Friday, March 13, 2015

DC Core Heroes Are Getting New Costumes

Forget Paris Fashion week, it's DC Fashion week. Last Friday, Supergirl showed off her new  duds for her upcoming TV show. And now DC has flexed it's designer muscles again by revealing several costume redesigns for it's core heroes. That's right DC's greatest characters are getting updating after their Convergence event in June. So let's walk these beauties down the runway and decide who is the fairest of them all. 

1. Superman/The Man of Steel/Man of Tomorrow 

Superman has lost his tights and cape. He is going straight bro with his new tight tee and jeans combo. Add that too his newfound stubble and buzz cut and you have got a guy you could sit back split a 12 pack of Miller High Life Ponies with. Just be ready for when he drinks too much that night and ends up staying on your futon for the next 6 months. Grade: C+

2. Batman/The Dark Knight/The Caped Crusader

Batman isn't brooding in the shadows anymore with this new getup. This big blue machine is much more conspicuous than the classic black cape and grey tights. Bruce has really developed a mechanized suit fetish in the New 52. First he wore one in the "Night of the Owls", then he donned the Hellbat suit on Apoklips, and then most recently at the beginning of "Endgame" he fought the Justice League in his Justicebuster suit. Out of all of those suits I would say this new one is third coolest of the four. The most interesting part about this costume though is the solicit for Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's 41st issue it says someone other than Bruce is in the batsuit. Just look at recently fired gun in that picture. Bruce is never gonna use a firearm to fight crime. So who is under the cowl? My guess would be Alfred's daughter Julia (just tossing a name out there), but whoever it is better be ready to brawl because you are not gonna be able to be stealthy with long ears that would put Roger Rabbit's to shame. Grade: B

3 + 4. The Flash + Green Arrow / The CW Crew

Flash and Arrow both have success CW shows to go along with their successful comic runs. So let's start with Barry. He looks influenced by Harrison Wells' Reverse Flash suit. I'm not loving it, but I'm not hating it either. Just really prefer the classic look. Grade: C

Green Arrow on the other hand has been hitting the gym. Looking buff, Ollie. And not just that he is growing out his hair making him look like his past counterpart on Arrow. I'm really digging it. Grade: B+ 

5. Wonder Woman/ The God of War

Ever since the Finchs took over Wonder Woman, I have had little to no interest in keeping up with their current storyline, but these new duds might just change that. Wonder Woman is armoring up in a big way. Switching out that silver trim for gold that really makes it all pop. But mostly I just wanna see Diana impale a dude with those bracelets. Grade: A

Thanks for reading! Are you excited for DC's new costumes Post-Convergence? Who do you think is in the new Batsuit? Let us know in the comments or on twitter @Caped_Informers or @cstrand73. Also be sure to check back regularly for more show/movie reviews and editorials regarding the comic book universe.

Friday, March 6, 2015

First Pics of Melissa Benoist as Supergirl

Production on CBS's Supergirl began a few days ago, so to celebrate the show has released images of actress Melissa Benoist (Whiplash) as its titular heroine. Check them out!

Source: IGN

Seems to inspired by several different interpretations of Supergirl's costume. I think it's a good start. Gonna wait to see it action before I really judge it though. What do you guys think? Sound off in the comments. Supergirl will premiere on CBS in the fall.

Don't want, need a Batgirl/Supergirl crossover

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The New Avengers Trailer Is Amazing

HOLY SHIT BALLS! Now that is how you pump up your fanbase! I need to see this movie and I need to see it now.

Avengers: Age Of Ultron hits theaters on May 1st.