The League of Assassins gives the Arrow an ultimatum to track down Sara's killer or to have 50 people of Starling be killed in an all new Arrow. (SPOILERS!)
Episode Description: Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) returns to Starling City and tells Oliver (Stephen Amell) that her father, Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) has given Oliver 48 hours to find Sara’s killer or the League of Assassins will start killing the citizens of Starling City. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) is stunned when her father (Paul Blackthorne) delivers a very special Christmas gift – her mother, Dinah (guest star Alex Kingston). Meanwhile, Ray (Brandon Routh) tries to make amends with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Oliver sets a meeting with Ra’s al Ghul.
High Points
- The Holiday theme from Flash continued onto Arrow
- The League of Assassins gives Ollie 48 hrs to find Sara's Killer
- Katana and China White throw down back in Hong Kong
- Ollie discovers Thea has been taught to kill by Merlyn
- Merlyn strong arms Ollie into cleaning up his blood debt with the League
- Sara's Killer is revealed: THEA!!!! (What will her DJ boyfriend think?!!)
- Ray Palmer's tells us his backstory to Felicity (Raylicity is the new hotness)
- Bring on the ATOM!
- OMAC tease!
- Ollie claims he killed Sara and demands a trail by combat
- Ra's Al Ghul hasn't been challenged to a trial by combat in 67 years. (Lazarus Pit??)
- Ollie vs. Ra's (Another amazing fight by Arrow's stunt team)
- Shirtless Sword-fighting is the best sword-fighting.
- The ending. He is called the Demon's Head for a reason.
There's always gonna be another mountain Ollie!
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Ollie was like.. |
Low Points
- Dinah Lance returns to Starling to prove once again that Laurel isn't the worst character on Arrow, it's her asswipe of a mother.
- Fight scene with Thea looked a bit odd
- Maseo's revealing as a member of the League was a surprise, but I can't help feeling it could have been built up a bit more.
- When is Roy gonna be allowed to have a plot line that lasts longer than one episode? (Or do absolutely anything for that matter?)
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Rule #1 when sword fighting Ra's Al Ghul: Always bring Batman |
Verdict: Arrow's midseason finale had a lot to live up to. The last two midseason episodes had been exceptional ( S1: Malcolm Merlyn revealed as the Dark Archer after an epic fight/ S2: Slade Wilson revealed as season's big villain) and yesterday's The Flash was tremendous, so this hour had some big shoes to fill. Now the overall storyline for this season has moved at a slug's pace, dodging the main mystery at hand "Who killed Sara Lance?". Finally Sara's killer has been unmasked. It was Thea Merlyn (under Malcolm's manipulation), who dusted our favorite Canary! Perhaps this revelation wasn't was not quite as exciting as The Flash's final minutes last night (HOLY SHIT WAS THAT AWESOME!) yet it did put Ollie in quite a predicament. Try to convince the League that Merlyn coerced Thea into the murder and risk the League killing her or take the rap himself to try to wipeout Thea's blood debt. In the end Ollie chose to protect his sister and was forced to confront Ra's Al Ghul and the League of Assassins on his own. Then Ollie fell to godliness of the Demon's Head. Now our hero's fate is up in the air. Overall "The Climb" gets a 8.5 out of 10 for Oliver's great emotional arc and a killer final battle.
The most likely scenario has to be Ollie goes for a bath in a Lazarus Pit, right? Arrow can't really be dead forever, right? RIGHT?!!
Thanks for reading! Did you suspect Thea? Will Oliver bath in a Lazarus Pit? Sound off in the comments with what you think. And make sure to follow the site for all your comic book related news or follow us on Twitter @Caped_Informers
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Time to suit up Ray, it's your show now! |
Why r u obsessed with Miley Cyrus?