Saturday, July 5, 2014

Did Kevin Smith Write A Fake 'Batman V Superman' Script?

Could everything we have heard rumored about Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice be from a fake script written by Kevin Smith (Clerks)? That's what is claiming. The site received an email from a source that claims that the leaked script that every entertainment website has been basing their rumors off of is a diversion tactic by WB. 

Here's exactly what the email from said:

"This isn't a scoop regarding the plot or the details of the Batman v Superman movie or am I writing you in order to spoil or disappoint the general public.

My insider info regards a who has been the source of the vast majority of leaked information as regards to the movie and more importantly why.

Up until last year I worked for as a PA for a Warner Bros. exec until I was promoted to marketing. It was here I and several others where approached to work, directly and indirectly, for Susanne Knoll and sometimes Deborah Snyder.

It was here that I became a part of a particular strategy that Warner Bros has been using to great effect.

Early this year a Screenplay for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice which was commissioned by Warner Bros was leaked to several gossip sites. It was a scanned PDF of the entire screenplay baring a official Warner Bros watermark.

This script has been the source of almost every leaked detail about the movie for the last six months. It has been posted on sites then quickly removed due to cease and desist letters from Warner Bros.

While the screenplay is legit and the watermark is legit and it is was commissioned by Charles Roven himself...

But it is written by neither David S. Goyer or Chris Terrio.

It was written by Kevin Smith.

Late last year both Charles Roven and Zack Snyder approached Kevin Smith with a early treatment for the film and It was Kevin Smith who came up with the idea to write an entire screenplay based on it but with several huge red herrings and changes which do not appear in the final film. These include plot points and characters etc etc. and 'leak' it online.

This script was distributed by myself and others to gossip sites and movie sites like aintitcool, latino review, movie pilot, etc etc

My job was to pose as a worker at Warner Bros who was leaking the screenplay.

There were several others involved who posed as recently fired members of the production, interns and special effects artists and we all spread the misleading info around the web.

None of this was done maliciously and was a strategy to misdirect much of sites that intended to spoil the film."

So what should we believe? Are any of those rumored villains in the film? Has WB successfully trolled the media? I think it may be a legitimate possibility. A very interesting strategy to say the least. But how reliable is this email? Latino Reviews's El Mayimbe tweeted that "That story on that bum juice site is fake in itself."  Hehe bum juice. But really what is going on?

Kevin Smith is a knowledgeable comic source and if this rumor is true he definitely has the capability of writing an extremely fan serviced script. Badass Digest says they also have a copy of this leaked script and they are also not sure if it is the real deal or not.

"Like I said, I'm on the fence about the legitimacy of this script. I trust El Mayimbe's network and the other information he has beyond this script, but something about the actual script itself - whether it be the errors or the cascading fan-service (Kord Industries, Jason Todd, a Shuster Street in Metropolis, Kyle Rayner, Carrie Kelley, Thanagar, mentioning Hob's Bay, the President is named Diane Nelson, who just happens to be the president of DC Entertainment) or the fact that tonally it is nothing like Man of Steel  (Themyscira has an embassy in Metropolis!) forces me to remain humbly skeptical. If this is the script then Warner Bros has learned some lessons from their last couple of movies, although I worry the sheer weight of fan service in this script could crush the film."

Many of the fan service claims seem to be extremely far-fetched making it sound more and more like this "leaked" script is full of shit. I do not see Kyle Rayner or anyone from Thanagar coming anywhere near this film. Also an embassy for Themyscira in Metropolis only two years after the events of Man of Steel is almost a complete impossibility. Lastly naming the President after the president of DC Entertainment Diane Nelson is almost as big of a douchebag move as when Robert Singer named Bobby Singer after himself on Supernatural.

So all in all, I am now utterly confused. I don't know what to believe anymore. I know the photos of Batfleck and Superman are both legit, but is every other rumor from this film fabricated from this "script"? Could Metallo or The Joker or Brainiac really be in this movie and we have been victims of WB's genius plan? If so kudos to WB. They want to keep most of the information about this film a secret as long as possible and they seem to be succeeding. But this strategy also leaves fans with their dicks in their hands not knowing if they have be "smeckledorfed" or not.

Here are the 5 things I know about this film:

1. Zack Snyder is directing.
2. Chris Terrio is writing a screenplay from David Goyer's story
3. Ben and Henry's suits both look awesome
4. Jesse Eisenberg is Lex Luthor
5. Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and Aquaman are in it

Everything else I am going to declare as bullshit. So Victor Zsasz and Morgan Edge are not in this movie. Unless they actually are, I don't know! Damn you Kevin Smith! Guess everyone will have to be patient and wait to actually see the movie to know the truth. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is shooting now and will be in theaters May 2016.

Sources: Badass Digest

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