Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Flash "Things You Can't Outrun" Review/Thoughts

This week on The Flash, Barry wrestles with the struggles of being a hero, we get a glimpse at what happened to Caitlin the night the particle accelerator blew, and Star Labs gets a second job as a super-powered prison for the Flash's enemies.

Episode Description:  Barry and the Star Labs team confront The Mist, a meta-human who can turn himself into toxic gas, while Caitlin reflects on the night the of the particle accelerator explosion, in which her fiancee was killed. 

High Points:

  • Barry continuing to deal with everyday petty crime in Central City
  • "I'm not asking for a museum in my honor.." (Fun little nod to The Flash museum)
  • Quickly addressing the problem of The Flash executing his enemies
  • The solution to the aforementioned problem: Star Labs Super Jail
  • "I've felt like I've waited for this day for centuries" - Harrison Wells (Sounds like an amount of waiting time that Eobard Thawne would have to endure...)
  • Robbie "Firestorm" Amell making his first appearance as Caitlin's fiancee
  • Barry continuing to understand the limitations/implications of his powers
  • Barry inhaling the toxic gas in a total brass-balled move to get Star Labs a sample 
  • Barry and Joe's father-son relationship
Low Points:
  • Anything having to do with Eddie and Iris's relationship 
  •  The Mist was another one-and-done villain of the week type
  • of times before
  • To answer my question from last week: It seems Barry will be opening and closing each episode with a statement that is more often than not a bit corny
  • The infamous "If I'm not out in time, close the door behind me" plot device that has been used hundreds of times before
Anyone see Godzilla/every other movie involving a reactor of sorts?

Verdict: Now that we are three episodes in, The Flash seems to be settling in to a bit of a pattern of throwing a new meta-human Barry's way, having Barry exploit the villain's weakness (thus beating him) and then concluding with an ominous cut scene of Dr. Harrison Wells. I'm not saying this is a totally bad thing, and the constant hints at Eobard Thawne promise us more over-arching plots in the near future. I just hope the show doesn't get to predictable (and therefore boring) while these bigger evils are set up. Right now it is the smaller things that Barry does as well as the development of the characters that is driving this show. Barry's relationship with Joe is becoming a favorite of mine and tonight we saw him finally break some ground with Caitlin. The only relationship I really can't get myself to care about is the one between Eddie and Iris. That is purely for selfish Barry and Iris Allen reasons though. I am also enjoying watching Barry slowly starting to realize what it truly means to have powers, and how to use them responsibly. It can be fun to see those "Year One" type of story-archs that happen when a new superhero is getting into the groove of things and figuring out the whole act of protecting a city or the world. Naturally, that is the type of story we can expect to continue seeing this season, and personally, if it means The Flash and his friends are constantly being developed into more seasoned crime-fighters, than I for one am all for it. The Flash scores a  7.5 out of 10 this week.

Thanks for reading! As always feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments and on twitter @Caped_Informers. Make sure you check the blog regularly for weekly reviews of other comic-book shows and tune in this time next week for a review of The Flash's fourth installment: "Going Rouge".

1 comment:

  1. Mist was underdeveloped, but seeing the super speed on TV is awesome. Makes Smallville's special effects look like pieces of shit

