Happy Monday everyone! Time to crush on some heros!
Actor: Ian McKellen
Ok guys os this weeks crush is something a little different from our usual actors. The great Ian McKellen. Although his age and his looks don't match up to some of our past crushes, he is more than capable of taking this weeks mcm. Here's why. Ian has played one of my favorite characters of all time from movies. Gandelf the Grey/White. He is a fantastic actor filled with wisdom, and just a lot of fun to watch on screen. Also, this week just happens to be Xmen week and we all know how great he portrays the mighty Magneto.What he lacks in his youngness, and good looks which we usually look for in our weekly crushes, he makes up for with his power to deliver a certain character on the big screen. He is a very talented actor who deserves to be our mcm for this week!
"Are you a god fearing man Senator? It's such a strange phase.I always thought of God as a teacher. As a bringer of light, wisdom and understanding. I think you really are afraid of me. Me and my kind. The brotherhood of mutants"
Character Crush: Wolverine
Wolverine is probably the most well known member of the X-Men. His healing factor and adamantium claws combined with his brutish nature make him one of the most dangerous mutants in the Marvel universe. He has lived over 150 years and has learned very much in his extended time on Earth. Logan uses this knowledge and experience to combat his natural animal instincts. If Wolverine does happen go into a berserker rage during a fight, that opponent is done for. All of these characteristics of Logan have been carefully translated to the screen by actor Hugh Jackman. Logan you are an amazing mutant. Fuck Sabretooth indeed, bub.
"You ain't seen a kill-frenzy until you've seen me get mad!"
Magneto is the best mutant
ReplyDeleteWith a magnificent mane of white over a chiseled face.