Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Superhero Woman Crush Wednesday: (5/14/14)

Happy Wednesday everyone. It's time to crush on some lovely ladies.

Woman Crush: Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence is the current queen of Hollywood and deservedly so. She has rapidly ascended into mainstream popularity over last few years mainly from her excellent portrayal of Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games franchise. But what really makes Jen special as an actress is her work in character driven films. Two years ago she earned the Oscar for Best Lead Actress for role of Tiffany Maxwell in Silver Linings Playbook. I remember hearing she was only 21 at the time of filming. I was amazed at how natural her acting alongside her romantic counterpart in the film, Bradley Cooper who 37 at the time. "There's an expressiveness in her eyes and in her face, that many stars have to work for, that's ageless," said director of Silver Linings Playbook David O. Russell. Lawrence continued her trend of holding her own alongside older Hollywood elite, Bale, Adams, Renner, Cooper in American Hustle. She stole the film with her performance as "Picasso of passive aggressive karate" Rosalyn Rosenfield. She was an absolute force in the movie, every time she was onscreen you took notice. Next on the docket for Jen is portraying the beautiful Mystique next week in X-Men:Days of Future Past. From the previews looks like typical Jen. Taking names and kicking ass. Jen, I volunteer my soul and heart to you on this very special WCW.

"Can we go one fucking conversation without you mentioning my dead goddamn husband."

Watch her dance with Rocket Raccoon in this classic clip.


