Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ryan's Top 5 Batman TAS

I remember watching both Batman: The Animated Series and Superman: The Animated Series when I was a kid and immediately loving both of them. It wasn't until I got a little older that I started to fully appreciate the darker and more in-depth elements that make Batman stories great. So without further ado, here is my definitive ranking of the animated series:

5) The Forgotten: While investigating the disappearances of Gotham's homeless in an undercover disguise, Bruce Wayne is kidnapped and imprisoned in a chain gang mining camp, suffering from amnesia. Alfred must thus track him down, help him escape and free the rest of the prisoners. 

Why it's a favorite: Got to love a white-haired Bruce Wayne. But beyond that we get an episode early on in the series that gives us a really good look into the character of Bruce Wayne. This is the first time the audience sees Bruce Wayne as someone who genuinely wants to help his fellow man and not just some guy who runs around in a bat suit "because he can afford it".

4) Showdown: Ra's al Ghul narrates a story from his past in which Jonah Hex stops his plan to destroy the new transcontinental railroad by using a war blimp. 

Why it's a favorite: This episode was a lot of fun because you get a story being told to us by Ra's al Ghul that took place years and years before Batman was around. I love it when you get a narration from a villain because it brings into question: Is the information I am receiving 100% accurate? You also get to see Ra's square off against a hero from a completely different time period: Jonah Hex. Watch as they face off on this blimp.

3) Harlequinade: The Joker steals an atomic bomb, and it is up to Batman and Robin to find and stop him. Since there is no time to spare, the duo enlist the help of Harley Quinn to track Joker down. Throughout the episode, it is briefly discussed how Harley met Joker.

Why it's a favorite: Gotta love the classic unlikely allies coming together story. I am also just a big fan of Harley Quinn in this series. For a character that had no history going into this show, she has come a long way and you even get that brief insight into how her partnership with the Joker came to be. 

2) Almost got Im': Joker, Killer Croc, Penguin, Two-Face, and Poison Ivy all meet at a poker table, each telling a tale of times when they almost defeated Batman. At the same time, Harley Quinn is about to kill Catwoman. Will Batman be able to save her? 

Why it's a favorite: Talk about an ensemble cast. You get four Batman stories in one episode, a ton of villains hanging out exchanging tales, and a surprise twist at the end of the episode similar to the one at the end of Cape and Cowl Conspiracy. Also it is just comical to see a bunch of people sitting around the table talking about Batman like he is "the one that got away". 

1) Over the Edge: During a fight with the Scarecrow, Batgirl is ambushed on a rooftop and falls to her death. Having watched his daughter's demise, Jim Gordon blames Batman for her fate and vows revenge, even recruiting Bane in the process. 

Why it's a favorite: I'm a big fan of the "what if" stories. That is why I am also such a big fan of The Flashpoint Paradox. You get a Batgirl death scenario that results in Jim Gordon waging an all out war against Batman. It ultimately results in the deaths of both Gordon and Batman but you find out at the end that it was just a big hallucination that Batgirl was having brought on by some good old-fashioned Scarecrow fear toxin. Also this Battle to the Death between Bane and Batman.

Honorable Mentions: Heart of Ice, The Man who Killed Batman, The Demon's Quest, Laughing Fish, If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich?

Hope you enjoyed the list and be ready for the Top Ten Batman: The Animated Series episodes tomorrow!

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