Description: Several months after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron, ex-thief Scott Lang must aid his mentor and former hero Dr. Hank Pym in safeguarding the mystery of the Ant-Man technology—which allows its user to decrease in size but increase in strength—from various new threats, and plot a heist that will save the Earth.
High Points:
- Paul Rudd was classic charming Paul Rudd. You buy that his Scott Lang is a criminal who wishes to reform. He also provides his A+ comedic timing.
- Speaking of comedy, this movie is funny. And the funniest person isn't even Paul Rudd, it's Michael Pena as Luis. Almost every word out of his mouth made me laugh.
- Michael Douglas was a great Hank Pym. He and Rudd had solid chemistry. Their mentor/men-tee relationship was the core of the film.
- Loved Hank Pym's backstory.
- The Ant-Man shrinking sequences were pretty cool. The stunt team and special effects were able to make Ant-Man fight in a much different way than most superheroes. He used his size and speed to his advantage.
- Scott actually controlled a shit ton of ants.
- There is a sequence with an Avenger that was an unexpected surprise.
- Loved the heist film vibe. What Marvel has excelled at is making their movies feel like different types of films rather than just a generic superhero film.
- Yellowjacket had a kickass suit. It looked damn cool.
- Judy Greer is America's Mom.
- The final fight sequence encompasses everything that made this movie a blast.
- Cut Scenes set up two future Marvel movies!
- T.I. was in it and that makes me happy.
Ant-Man's Theme Song
Low Points:
- While Ant-Man's powers + action sequences felt new and exciting, other elements of the film felt rather predictable and generic. Particularly a romantic plot and the film's entire opening.
- Corey Stoll is a great actor. I fucking loved him as Peter Russo in House of Cards. He is wasted here. He is generic Bad guy #1. The actions he takes to make the audience hate him are ridiculous/hilarious. Marvel continues to show that they don't give a shit about villains.
- Non-chalant Hydra reference.
- Ants are gross.
Verdict: Ant-Man is a fun film. Another product of the proven Marvel formula. The movie has a generic bad guy, but that has worked for these films that fit into the MCU. Despite that major flaw, Paul Rudd's charm and the great use of Ant-Man's powers put this flick a step above many of Marvel's other solo efforts. Overall I'm giving Ant-Man a 7.5 out of 10. A cool new superhero romp that doesn't disappoint, but fails to get from good to great.
Thanks for reading! What did you think of Ant-Man? What part will he have to play in Civil War? Let us know in the comments or tweet at us @Caped_Informers or me @cstrand73. And be sure to check out all our other TV + movie reviews.
P.S. Someone start a Kickstarter for the Michael Pena (Luis) spinoff!
P.P.S. I'm still fucking bitter that I didn't direct this.
Sounds fun!