Monday, October 13, 2014

Gotham "Arkham" Review/Thoughts

The gang war starts as councilmen are killed off left and right in this week's Gotham. SPOILERS

Synopsis: As a contentious city council vote on the future of the Arkham district approaches, politicians from both sides are in danger. Gordon and Bullock must race to protect the council and an old friend visits Gordon.

High Points

  • The Asylum look cool
  • The gang war starts
  • Bruce Wayne starting to be a detective
  • The Penguin and Gordon's evolving relationship
  • Penguin's promotion
  • Gordon and Bullock's dynamic
  • Ozzy manipulating and killing
  • Arkham will be reopened

Arkham sure is lovely this time of year

Low Points

  • Again slow episode with little tension
  • Edward Nygma sucks
  • "It was just a box of paper clips!"
  • Villain once again a bore
  • Fish Mooney "Chick Fight" scene stolen from The Dark Knight

Verdict: This show should really be renamed Penguin because he is the only interesting part of the story. His crawl to the top of the mob world is filled with manipulation and murder. The rest of this show is just filler really. Filler with crappy Batman teases. Sure Arkham Asylum will be reopened but did anyone really feel the Councilman serial killer case was interesting at all? Just another by the numbers investigation that ends in killing the suspect. I enjoy seeing Harvey and Jim's separate philosophies on solving cases go head to head, but otherwise that story arc was just bland. Meanwhile Maroni and Falcone war began in the most boring way possible, fighting over a vote. In the coming weeks I hope the battle for top Don really picks up. As Penguin gets more involved (especially by playing both sides of the coin by working with Gordon) it definitely should. Overall I give the episode a 5.5 out of 10. Ain't good ain't bad.

Thanks for reading. What did you think of Gotham's fourth episode? Sound off in the comments. Make sure to check out our reviews every week and follow our live action tweeting of every episode @Caped_Informers and @cstrand73See you next week folks!

Jim Gordon's Movie Pick of the Week: Jim should really pick up Chasing Amy this week. He seemed uncomfortable with his wife's past lesbian relationship and Kevin Smith's flick would really help Jim figure out his feelings on the situation. Perhaps he could resolve his inner problems the same way Batfleck's character tried to. Bring Barbara and Montoya together and say...

