Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Flash "Flash vs. Arrow" Review/Thoughts

Tonight was the first half of the long awaited, two-part Arrow/Flash crossover. It came chalk full of Oliver Queen training regiments, an extremely angsty Barry Allen, and of course, a battle between the Arrow and the Flash on the streets of Central City.

Episode Description: Oliver Queen and his gang travel to Central City to investigate a crime and end up teaming up with Barry and the STAR Labs team to track down a meta-human who can cause people to go into a raged frenzy. Meanwhile, Eddie decides that the Flash is a menace who needs to be stopped.

High Points
  • The most obvious high point to date: It's an Arrow/Flash crossover 
  • The Arrow team is immediately following up on Captain Boomerang
  • Oliver continues his mentoring role in Central City by taking Barry under his wing
  • Oliver went to every place in Central City where Barry had previously fought a meta-human (talk about some Batman-style reconnaissance work)
  • "I heard you heal fast.." -Oliver Queen
  • Eddie's task force has got me thinking of a whole new angle on this Eobard Thawne thing..
  • Barry going rouge and the Flash losing his shit on Eddie 
  • The fight!! 
  • The whole idea of colors relating to controlling emotions sounded an awful lot like Green Lantern talk... (A Christian Strand Theory)
  • Connor Hawke!
  • Firestorm!!
My thoughts exactly Ollie
Low Points:
  • This week's meta-human situation was pretty weak... (He was just there to serve as a reason for Barry and Ollie to duke it out)
  • They didn't really explain how Dr. Wells figured out that Oliver Queen was the Arrow (unless it was knowledge he already knew from the future perhaps?...)
  • Diggle was simply not diggin' it this week (He didn't seem to be putting up with any of this super-powered bullshit)
Verdict: Everybody loves a good crossover. The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones, Scooby-Doo Meets The Harlem Globetrotters, more recently The Simpsons Guy. Everyone loves it when two worlds worth of characters collide, and tonight was no exception. Part 1 of the Flash/Arrow crossover was a fun episode that showcased the two very different styles of crime-fighting that both The Arrow and The Flash embody. It was dark and gritty, meets quirky and light-hearted (like watching a DC movie and a Marvel movie side-by-side). I for one have enjoyed watching Oliver Queen step into the mentor role on his own show by training Roy. It was especially cool to watch him arrive in Central City to impart some veteran wisdom on to Barry. On the other hand of this, it is good to see Barry continuing to grow as The Flash as he begins to learn that being really fast is not the same thing as being very effective. The meta-human of the week was only there so that there could be a legitimate reason for The Flash and The Arrow to fight, so all-in-all he ended up being a pretty weak stand-alone character. However, the fight was pretty cool, even though I was kind of hoping for more of a clear-cut victor. And of course, as we have come to expect on this show, we were bombarded with references both obvious (Connor Hawke and Firestorm) and not so obvious (the Green Lantern?) Also, this episode is the first time that Eddie has interacted with the Flash, and due to the extremely negative nature of the interaction, I suddenly have reason to think that Eddie may actually be our Professor Zoom. Let's walk through this idea real quick: Eddie now knows the Flash as a menacing asshole who needs to be stopped. He has just assembled an anti-Flash task force in an attempt to put a stop to him. This could all just be the beginning of a giant descent into madness for Eddie. What if tensions continue to grow between Eddie and the Flash? What if The Flash eventually does steal Iris away from Eddie? What if Eddie becomes so obsessed with stopping The Flash that he goes to great lengths to do so? I'm talking recreating certain lighting and chemical-based accident type of great lengths. Of course we have seen Professor Zoom in present day already, but what if it is just some time travel semantics? This is purely speculation, but all I know is that this entire time I have only suspected Eddie Thawne of being Professor Zoom based off of his name. After this episode I can finally see a potential story-line starting to form behind ol' Eddie Thawne. All in all a very fun first part to the crossover that merits an 8.0 out of 10.

Thanks for reading the review! Enjoying the crossover? How does it compare to other crossover moments in history? Let us know what you think in the comments or on twitter @Caped_Informers. Check back regularly for more reviews and updates about the happenings of the comic book world and read the review for the second part of the crossover after it airs tomorrow night. The Flash will return same time next week with "The Man in the Yellow Suit".

The Gold-Standard for crossovers everywhere

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