Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Flash "The Man in the Yellow Suit" Review/Thoughts

The Flash wrapped up its 2014 run tonight with its big mid-season finale that finally had Barry come face to super-vibrating face with the Reverse Flash. Couple that with brief Firestorm side-story and a slew of heartfelt interactions, and you got yourself a lot to look forward to going into the season's second half.

Episode Description: Barry finally  faces off with the man who murdered his mother: The Reverse Flash. Meanwhile, Caitlin believes her ex-fiancee Ronnie is alive in Central City and recruits  Cisco to help track him down. 

High Points:
  • The Reverse Flash reveals his presence to Barry
  • Face-off at the Central City football stadium (because super-villains love doing stuff in stadiums. I'm looking at you Bane and Magneto)
  • The fights and chases between Barry and the Reverse Flash were very exciting and suspenseful
  • The entire Reverse Flash caught in the forcefield scene was extremely intriguing (due to the presence of both Dr. Wells and Eddie) 
  • Dr. McGee's comment on how similar Harrison and Barry are...
  • Tachyons (faster than the speed of light? Sounds like some time-travel talk!)
  • A second speedster the night of Nora Allen's murder? (Sounds like some time-travel talk!!)
  • And we have lift-off! Congrats Firestorm! You are officially the first flying super hero we have seen in this CW universe
  • Barry is making moves on the Iris front 
  • That Dr. Wells-based cliffhanger...  

Low Points:
  • The Firestorm storyline felt very weird tonight (it wasn't so much that it was out of place, but the interactions and situations felt very awkward and unnatural...)
  • The transitions were a bit shaky tonight. Particularly the ones during the Firestorm storyline.. I mean there was one scene where Ronnie was holding Caitlin's face and then suddenly his hands were on fire and no where near her face.. Pretty poor execution on that front all-around 
  • Who packages a house key to look like a wedding ring Eddie? Is this just some of the general douchebaggery that comes along with being Eobard Thawne?
Verdict: After weeks of aggressive speculation on my part, Barry's arch-nemesis has finally graced us with his presence, and what a presence he was. The scenes he appeared in were incredibly suspenseful and his superior control over his speed powers were showcased excellently via his ability to operate at the speeds he does while still vibrating fast enough to keep his identity a secret. However, it really isn't much of a secret anymore am I right? I mean finally the intensive speculating can come to a stop, right? Right??

We got hit hard with another Dr. Wells cliffhanger this week that essentially sets him up as the Reverse Flash. We see him, we see the suit, we see him with the thing the Reverse Flash stole and we hear him do the vibrating voice thing. That is a lot of very incriminating evidence stacked against the good doctor. However, there are still a handful of questions left to be answered. Let's walk through the big ones now, shall we?:
  • If either Dr. Wells or Eddie is the Reverse Flash, then how were they all present in the room simultaneously?
  • Why did the Reverse Flash beat the piss out of Dr. Wells?
  • Why didn't the Reverse Flash beat the piss out of Eddie? 
Whatever the answers are, one thing is crystal clear: This has time travel written all over it. It was clear from the first episode that we were going to get some time traveling at some point due to Dr. Well's futuristic newspaper. However, it was unclear until now how complex they were going to get with it. Now there is a whole slew of possibilities: Dr. Wells could be working some crazy time travel plan as Professor Zoom. The Reverse Flash could still potentially be a future Eddie Thawne, as made evident by his hesitation to cause Eddie any harm. I understand how obvious it seems right now that Dr. Wells is our man, but I refuse to let my guard down with this show. I won't shrug off the notion that this is all just a big ploy until they literally slap me across the face with identity of the Reverse Flash. Until then my suspect list remains as it always has:

        Suspect #1: Dr. Wells (incriminating evidence)     Suspect #2: Eddie Thawne (did not get the shit beaten out of him)

                                                    Suspect #3: The Man in The Yellow Hat (is literally a man in a yellow suit)

Also on the topic of time travel, Cisco made a very interesting comment tonight about the red-lightning from the night Nora Allen was murdered. Now I do not want to jump the gun here but it certainly sounds to me like Barry was there that night. This is exciting because there are storylines out there where Barry goes back in time in an attempt to save his mother, one of which is the recent Flashpoint Paradox story. I'm not saying we should get ready for a full-blown Atlantis vs. Themyscira showdown on this show, but I am saying that we should get pumped for some very exciting time-travel storylines in the near future. As action-packed as tonight's episode was, it had it's weak points as well. I am referring to Caitlin and Cisco's quest to find Ronnie. It felt so unnatural and the dialogue was very unemotional in what really should have been a more emotional series of events. The matter was supposedly urgent but it really did not feel that way at all. I'm not trying to say it was the worst, but it was very awkward and overall could have been done better. However, this episode was exciting, suspenseful and gave us a lot to look forward to in the future, so this episode gets a 9.0 out of 10.

Thanks for reading the review! What are you excited for in the season's second half? What are your theories moving forward? Let us know in the comments or on twitter @Caped_Informers. The Flash is going on a mid-season hiatus and won't be airing any new episodes until January 20th, but be sure to check back on the site regularly for more updates, news and reviews.

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