Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Arrow "My Name Is Oliver Queen" Review

Barry Allen makes an appearance as Ollie finds love in a hopeless place on an all new Arrow.

High Points
  • Who can save the day when Ollie is too busy? Barry Allen of course! His brief cameo was great. 
  • Malcolm Merlyn takes charge. Interesting that both Barry and Ollie have teamed up with some of their greatest enemies during this week.
  • Ra's hidden agenda makes sense. Kill two birds with one stone.
  • Team Arrow is fucking beastly with the additions of Nyssa + Merlyn.
  • I'm a big fan of the Lance family alcoholism. They should have a family reunion with an contract for a reality show.
  • Speedy is suited up! But there is no middrift...
  • Ra's once again beats down the Arrow. Then... Ollie beats him just cause.
  • Felicity suits up as the ATOM.
  • Malcolm Merlyn is the new Ra's Al Ghul!!!
  • Ray wants shrinkage!
  • Oliver and Felicity drive off into the sun!

Watch out Stan Lee, there is a new King of the cameo.
Low Points
  • Oliver's reveal to Ra's Al Ghul would have been more intense if the writers had kept his allegiance to his original team a secret from the audience until that moment as well.
  • The opening fight was weak. Though I love seeing Ra's in action.
  • The flashbacks slow down the show to a crawl. Get Ollie back on the goddamn island and be done with it. I don't need to see Ollie torture Shireve. Rather just fucking gut him and be over with it.
  • Damien Dark isn't dead which means that he and HIVE are gonna be the villains of season 4. Fuck...
  • Oliver's love for Felicity is the key to beating Ra's. I'm at a loss for words.
  • Felicity suits up as the ATOM! I'm not sure if it was good or bad.
  • Oliver gives up being the Arrow for love. He is coming down with a case of Rachel Dawes syndrome.
What should be done to the person who wrote this episode

Verdict: Urban Dictionary defines the term "shit" as "another word for feces, poop, dookie, scheisse, poo poo, and brownies." Well I would like to add another phrase to that list, Arrow's Season 3 Finale. All season I have stood by my favorite show. I have waited for it to get back to those season 2 highs, but now all those battles with Deathstroke feel like a distant memory. I have ranted on Olicity many times before. If you are part of the group of people that think their love affair makes Arrow a better show, I don't want to be friends with you. 
          In all seriousness I don't even want to talk about them being together anymore. I accept it's gonna take over 50% of the show, but when the writers commit the crime they committed tonight something needs to be said. Oliver beats Ra's Al Ghul because he loves Felicity. That is the biggest load of shit that I have ever seen. Yes having something to fight for helps, but no way does it give Oliver an advantage over a guy who kicked his dick in not 5 months ago. Oliver beat Ra's because... he had to or the season wouldn't end. 
          Take this example on how to stop a villain that has an advantage on the hero properly.  Last night on The Flash, Barry admitted that Wells has the advantage over him. Wells has been faster and five steps ahead Barry this whole season. So was Barry just magically able to defeat Wells? No! He asked for help from the Arrow and Firestorm. He knew when he was outclassed and his writers knew that Barry had to regain the advantage over Wells in order for their class to end in Barry's favor. Tonight's Arrow did none of that. Instead Ollie can kill Ra's because he needs to in order to ride off into the sunset with Felicity. 
          You don't just have to add more firepower to beat a baddie. You can use your brain to defeat a foe. Batman always has to use his mind to get the advantage over some of his more physical opponents like Bane + Killer Croc. If he can't beat them physically, he will figure out some other way. Fuckin' A. Ollie had used his brain the night before when he had Ray give him the nanites to stop Wells' superspeed. And if you go back to last year's finale Olicity was used in a positive manner when Oliver tricked Slade and Felicity was able to administer a cure for the Miraku, thus making it an even battle in which Ollie could win. Ra's vs. Oliver isn't an even battle. So having Oliver win because he has love in his heart is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever seen.
          Now it's was not all bad. Barry Allen showed up for a brief, but entertaining cameo. And I also enjoyed seeing where Malcolm, Thea, and Ray's story lines are leading. My suggestion for Season 4 is to just let Ollie + Felicity be gone. I mean gone. For like the first half of next year. Expand everyone else's story lines and when the huge conflict arises call back the Arrow. As for scoring this turd, I'm going to be generous and give it a 5.5 out of 10. I pray Season 4 can be a return to form, but with rumors that Damien Dark is the big bad, I'm not hopeful. In the meantime I'm just gonna act like Season 3 never happened.

I didn't want to write a review this harsh, but it had to be done
Thanks for reading! Did you like Arrow Season 3? Was I too big of an asshole? Let us know in the comments or tweet at us @Caped_Informers or me @cstrand73. And make sure to tune in for our weekly Arrow, Flash, and Daredevil reviews.


  1. This makes me sad

  2. I just finished the Arrow Season 1 last week, but when i went on to the season 2, i stopped in the middle since the theme was almost the same. Honestly speaking , I like Arrow Season 1 very much actually , if the season 4 is different, then i guess i would start

