High Points:
- A whole season of twists and turns led to the most dramatic Flash episode yet. Barry was presented an impossible choice and it's ramifications led to many heart to hearts.
- Grant Gustin is a star. He is Barry Allen. He has captained the best superhero show on TV and deserves more praise than I can give him.
- Easter Eggs Galore! When Barry connected to the Speed Force several visions from the future appeared. The first was everyone's favorite superhero tourist attraction, the Flash Museum. Then the second and much more surprising one was our first look at Caitlin Snow as KILLER FROST! Then later on Jay Garrick's helmet that popped up. Hot damn we got teased a lot about what is gonna happen with the future of this show.
- Eobard Thawne revealed his master plan to Barry.
- The final showdown was pretty sweet.
- I've making a joke for weeks that Eddie should Looper himself and make sure Eobard never existed. Well I can tell you that it still surprised me when it actually happened. Reminded me a lot of Tommy's sacrifice in the season 1 finale of Arrow. BUT Eddie was sucked into the wormhole. That could mean we aren't done with him yet.
- Cisco was affected by the particle accelerator! Could we see Vibe and Killer Frost in Season 2?
- The cliffhanger opens up a ton of possibilities for Season 2.
Eddie Thawne be like...
Low Points:
- For a finale, the action was segmented to only the final 15 minutes.
- Ronnie and Caitlin's wedding felt kinda shoehorned into the story. Could have done without it.
- Season 2 hasn't started yet.
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At least it wasn't like a Game Of Thrones' wedding |
Verdict: The Flash is the best superhero show on TV. It's inaugural season was a blast to watch and the finale capped off all the emotional story threads and gave us tons of hints of where the future of the show is headed. I'm keeping it short and sweet, "Fast Enough" gets a 9.5 out of 10. Can't wait for October.
Thanks for reading! Did you like "Fast Enough"? Did Eddie make the right design? Let us know in the comments or tweet at us @Caped_Informers or me @cstrand73. And make sure to tune in for our weekly Arrow, Flash, and Daredevil reviews.
Eddie will be Cobalt Blue. Mark my words