Friday, May 1, 2015

Avengers: Age Of Ultron Review

Earth's Mightiest Heroes are back on the big screen! Here is my review of the team's second outing with very mild spoilers

Description: Avengers: Age of Ultron, the epic follow-up to the biggest Super Hero movie of all time. When Tony Stark tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, things go awry and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye, are put to the ultimate test as the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. As the villainous Ultron emerges, it is up to The Avengers to stop him from enacting his terrible plans, and soon uneasy alliances and unexpected action pave the way for an epic and unique global adventure.

High Points:

  • Excellent opening sequence. Very cool to see the team fully formed and going on raids together.
  • Hail Hydra! Everyone's favorite evil organization shows up just in time to get it's ass kicked.
  • Captain America is my favorite Avenger. Joss Whedon finds about 150 new ways to use Cap's shield in battle this time around. #TeamCap #FuckStark
  • Hawkeye gets some much deserved screentime in this flick. He was brainwashed for the majority of the first outing, so it was great to spend some time with Clint and see what makes him click.
  • Humorous throughout. One liners were being thrown all over this joint.
  • Well done action sequences throughout. 
  • Aaron Taylor Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen's accents are the funniest things ever.
  • Cool insight into Black Widow's past. Since last year's CA: TWS, Agent Romanoff has really opened up and become a captivating character in the MCU.
  • A little Andy Serkis never hurts! Neither does a little Wakanda.
  • Joss Whedon took those Man Of Steel criticisms about not protecting civilians to heart because the Avengers are going out of their way to protect every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Seeing heroes be heroic is never a bad thing.
  • Great performances throughout the cast. Each actor has really bonded with their character now that they have all had multiple outings.
  • The Vision's entrance was a bit awkward, but his payoff was pretty great.
  • Age Of Ultron feels like a global film. Action takes place all over the globe.
  • Fun to see the Avengers kick back and dick around. The whole party scene is a lot of fun. 
  • I dug the Black Widow/Hulk romance. Two different types of monsters that have come together.
  • The science bros reunited for some more (you guessed it!) science!
Be careful Natasha that shit is dangerous.
Low Points:

  • Ultron was an okay villain. James Spader was good acting as an almost pseudo-Tony Stark, but he never got the full focus he deserved. For starters we never saw how he came across his first full form. He just instantly had it and was off to the races. With so many characters I understand it is hard to balance all of them. The main villain should really stand out though and once again Ultron falls into the MCU's pantheon of under developed villains.
  • Thor's side quest was to further inform us more about the Infinity stones. Sometimes the connective universe has it's movies looking ahead instead of dealing with what in the present.
  • I understand that because Scarlet Witch had come into the fold that mind control was back in play, so I'm okay with seeing it as a big plot device again, but this has to be the last time we see it in an Avengers movie. I don't want every movie to have the team be at each others throat because they are psychically being inclined to. Especially with Civil War coming up, mind control should play no role whatsoever. Have it be a fight of ideologies.
  • The final fight scene was pretty anticlimactic. Yes a sacrifice was made, but defeating Ultron and his goons was pretty simplistic. Also because I asked for the end of mind control in the last bulletpoint, I'm also gonna ask for this to be the last the Avengers face a giant faceless army. For Infinity War, let's see them fight a different threat. Like the Masters of Evil or maybe a space brawl.
  • Enough with the Disney parallels. Ultron keeping signing Pinocchio. Banner and Ramanoff are supposed to be Beauty and the Beast. I get that Disney owns Marvel and that allows for this kinda stuff to happen, but there was enough of it that I have expected Steve Rogers to start singing "Be A Man" from Mulan in the final scene.

Didn't Scarlet Witch's powers look a lot like Poison Ivy's magic dust?

Verdict: Age of Ultron delivers on action and humor. Sometimes it can feel like mindless popcorn entertainment, yet it never reaches Transformers levels of mindless violence. Something is always at stake and you care about the people who are fighting.
         Ultron could have used a bit more focus and sometimes the building of the future of the MCU occasionally hurt it as a standalone film, but there is such more positive stuff going on that you really don't care. This movie did it's number one job: Kept me entertained for 2+ hours. The characters you have grown to know and love are all there taking names and kicking ass. What's not to like about that? Overall I'm giving Avengers: Age of Ultron a 8.0 out of 10. Fun movie and the first must see of the summer.

Thanks for reading! What did you think of Age Of Ultron? What future MCU movie are you most excited for?  Let us know in the comments or tweet at us @Caped_Informers or me @cstrand73. And make sure to tune in for our weekly Arrow, Flash, and Daredevil reviews. Also make sure to look for my remodeled list of the best Marvel movies. Coming soon.

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