Olive is gone and all that is left is Al Sah-Him in an all new Arrow.
Episode Description: Oliver (Stephen Amell) goes through a rigorous transformation. The League of Assassins sets their sights on Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law), who is back in Starling City training Laurel (Katie Cassidy). When Nyssa realizes they are coming, she arms up to face them alone but Laurel asks Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Diggle (David Ramsey) to help protect her new friend.
High Points:
- Montage! Brain Washing Montage!
- This Ra's uses special herbs much like Liam Neeson's Ra's Al Ghul did in Batman Begins.
- HIVE and Damien Dark are being set up as baddies of Season 4.
- The old kill my daughter to assume her heirship trick. You are so wise, Mr. Al Ghul.
- I would watch the Black Canary solo show! Yea I said it. Laurel's journey this season has been kickass.
- Laurel and Nyssa bonded over milkshakes. This friendship is great for both characters arcs. Allows Laurel more training and allows Nyssa more screen time.
- It's dinner with the Diggles!
- Thea wants to step and be a vigilante. She should call Artemis about how to make a suit that is highly functional, but also rocks a serious mid drift.
- Ollie be "Theatricality and deception. Powerful agents to the uninitiated, but we are initiated, aren't we Nyssa?"
- Canary Cry!!!!!!!! Cisco my friend, you are a god!
- It was interesting Dynamic to see Oliver be the bad guy. When he kidnapped Lyla, I half expected Dig + Felicity to stumble on a Dexter Season 4 finale situation. Maybe I'm just kinda fucked up like that. That sure would have been extreme for the CW.
- Ollie took that arrow through the wrist like a champ. Shrugged it off like it was a bug bite.
- IT'S THE GREEN WEDDING!! Ra's Al Ghul is putting on his best matchmaker outfit and marrying up Nyssa and Ollie. Reminds me of those awesome marriages that Tywin Lannister set up for his kids. And those have turned out so well! Sir Lauris is so in love with Cersi.
- Ra's Al Ghul is finally doing Ra's Al Ghul things! Like releasing viruses upon cities.
May I suggest a song for the lovely couple's first dance
Low Points:
- Don't tell Nyssa the bad news while there is still food on the table, Laurel! No need to waste burgers and fries.
- If the League of Assassins' brainwashing techniques are so effective, why not just kidnap Oliver and force him to be "Al Sah-Him".
- I want someone to make a super cut of the times in Season 3 that Felicity starts crying. It seems to be the only thing the writers make her do anymore.
- Where do they set up these LoA meet up spots in Starling? Those torches are mighty bright for some random alley to conceal.
- I get that Oliver "turning" bad is suppose to raise the stakes of the season, but kidnapping Lyla did not really bring any tension whatsoever. You knew Lyla wasn't gonna to die so what was the point?
- The flashbacks finally came together with the main story by introducing the Alpha Omega virus in the present. Let me just say the juice was not worth the squeeze. Ra's could have pulled out any old virus and it wouldn't have mattered to me and still would have still gotten the job done. It was like Peter Parker attempting to discovery stuff about his parents in Amazing Spiderman 2. Nobody gave a shit.
- Katana and Maseo's kid is dying! Didn't see that coming!
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My face when Ra's ordered Nyssa to marry Ollie. |
Verdict: Don't wanna sound like a shithead, but watching Arrow the day after The Flash is always a letdown. Greatness followed by mediocrity. Almost like watching Spiderman 2 every Tuesday then dying your hair black and letting the goth out to watch Spiderman 3 on Wednesdays. Now before anyone jumps on me and says that I just don't like the darker tone of this series, I would like to lunge to my own defense and say that's bullshit. I love dark and gritty. I eat dark content for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If Batman asked me out, I would say yes. I rock out to Evanescence. Daredevil is the number one show on my Netflix queue. I'm into that dark shit. So to say that I think The Flash is better because of it's lighter tone is simply not the case. The problems with this Arrow season all stem from one vile source: OLICITY!
Yes the torrid love affair that has swept the CW by storm is at least partly responsible for the Emerald Archer's recent decline. Once again the weakest elements of this episode incorporated the romantic attachments of Felicity and Oliver. What makes Olcitity such a malevolent force is that it took a character that was once an independent + quick witted computer hacker down to being a weepy middle school girl. Wanna know the last time Felicity wasn't crying for an entire episode? It was on The Flash. There the old Felicity was allowed to flourish. Not here on Arrow though, she has been reduced to the annoying girlfriend role.
Anyway as the rest of "Al Sah-Him" is concerned, it was an intriguing notion to see Ollie as the bad guy of an episode. We have seen the Arrow save the day on countless occasions so to flip the script and have Ollie commit evil deeds was cool to see. What hurt this notion though was you knew that Ollie was not going to kill anyone, especially his best friend's wife. I buy the brainwashing, but the CW doesn't have the balls to pull the trigger on anyone on Arrow right now (Ex. from Season 3: Ollie, Roy, and Thea all died and came back), so the tension in the hour was almost non existent. That doesn't mean some cool new story lines weren't presented though. Ra's has tasked Ollie with unleashing the virus from his past, the Alpha Omega thing, upon Starling City. Now that is what the League of Assassins is best at. Taking down cities that need to be put down. Starling has had two massive terrorist attacks in the last two years, so one could imagine that besides it's connection to erasing Oliver Queen's past, that Starling would be a perfect target for the League anyway.
And if you thought tasking Ollie with taking out his hometown was a hard enough obstacle for our hero to overcome, our buddy Ra's wasn't finished yet. In a very Game of Thrines-esqe move, Ra's then ordered Ollie to marry his daughter Nyssa to bond their respective houses. Not only does Nyssa not want to marry Ollie, she doesn't even wanna marry a dude in general. So it's tough break for her. But say Ollie + Nyssa do get married and fall in love (that isn't gonna happen, but roll with me on this) thus subsequently destroying Felicity's heart. Maybe that would wake that bitch up. Then Felicity could move over to the new crossover series with her old beau, Ray Palmer, who she works much better with as a couple. Finally ending the plague that is Olicity.
Now while I did my fair share of bitching, "Al Sah-Him" wasn't that bad of an episode. It had moments that really stood out (Like the Canary Cry!) so overall I'm giving it an 7.0 out of 10.
Thanks for reading! Will Ollie ever really come back? Do you want Olicity to die a slow and painful death? Am I just a pessimistic asshole? Let us know in the comments or tweet at us @Caped_Informers or me @cstrand73. And make sure to tune in for our weekly Arrow, Flash, and Daredevil reviews.
P.S. Katie Cassidy, if you are reading, I'd get a milkshake with you anytime, anyplace, anywhere. :). Laurel is the best part of Arrow. #CanaryCry
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Batman at Green Arrow's bachelor party |
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