Wow, what a difference 48 hrs. can make? Two days ago, I ruthlessly shat all over WB because I thought they let Michelle MacLaren (Game of Thrones) go for stupid reasons. Then yesterday several outlets reported that maybe WB wasn't so misguided in not agreeing with her vision of Diana. Apparently Michelle had some crazy ass ideas that she wanted to implement in the Wonder Woman film. Such as giving Diana a tiger sidekick that she could talk to and confide in. Finally Jasmine from Aladdin and Diana would have more in common than just being princesses! And if that wasn't strange enough for ya, Michelle wanted to set the film during the world's most famous war, the Crimean War. Yup that notable war that saw the fall of the once great Ottoman Empire. (Yup you bet your ass I googled that shit). And just when I thought my theories looked stupid enough already, the final bomb dropped that completely blew up everything I said two days ago. According to inside sources, Scott Eastwood (The Longest Ride) is not going to be Steve Trevor in the DC movie universe. So my idea that WB wanted his romance with Diana at the forefront of the movie is total bullshit.
Story of my life. |
So here I am with no other option, but to apologize to WB for my abrupt comments. I thought you guys were getting cold feet, but just maybe you guys do have some semblance of what should and what shouldn't be in a Wonder Woman film.
I'm sorry WB. I just got to Step 9.
Okay now that I'm done kissing ass, it's time for some good news. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Patty Jenkins (Monster) has inked a deal that will put her at the helm of Wonder Woman. She was supposed to direct Thor 2 a few years back, but like MacLaren here, she left for creative differences. So I'm guessing that WB and her have a specific vision together or they would not have signed her up. Can't have two directors leaving one project. That shit would be bad for business. And best of all because this deal happened so quickly, the movie is still planning on shooting this fall and opening in 2017! Hopefully tiger-free!
Thanks for reading! Do you like Patty Jenkins? Are you excited to see Wonder Woman in Batman V Superman? Let us know in the comments or tweet at us @Caped_Informers or me @cstrand73. And make sure to tune in for our weekly Arrow, Flash, and Daredevil reviews.
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