Monday, June 2, 2014

Superhero Man Crush Monday: (6/2/14)

Man Crush: James McAvoy

James McAvoy most widely known for playing young Professor X in X-Men: Days of Future Past and X-Men: First Class. With his break out role in Wanted , McAvoy was catapulted into the limelight and onto the list of rising Hollywood stars. He has really shown his acting chops in films like Filth and Trance. With his stylish accent and piercing blue eyes he is a downright heartthrob. Professor X can mind-meld with me anyway.

"Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn't mean they can't be saved."


Character Crush: Nightwing

I love Dick, I mean Richard. Introduced as Batman's child sidekick Robin in 1940, Richard Grayson has come a long way since. He has left the Dark Knight's side to start his own superhero team the Teen Titians. He has dropped the Robin persona and adopted the new title Nightwing. Hell he has even spent some time as Batman, when Bruce Wayne went missing after battling Darkseid. I highly recommend Scott Snyder's The Black Mirror to any Dick lover out there. Dick is a completely different kind of Batman than Bruce and Snyder's grim tale captures their contrast entirely. That is what really makes Nightwing standout in the Bat-verse. He isn't the forever brooding paranoid vigilante like Bruce, but rather a more hopeful fighter of crime. He also is quite the ladies man in the DCU with a certain affinity for red heads. Keep feeling the aster, Dick!

"How come no one ever just feels whelmed"

Nightwing showing us once again that not having superpowers doesn't mean shit if your trained by Batman.


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