Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Superhero Women Crush Wednesday (6/18/14)

Hey guys! its Wednesday we all know what that means. Time to crush on some of the ladies in the super hero world.

Actress: Anna Paquin

This week for my crush, I decided to choose Anna Paquin. Paquin is best known for her role as Sookie on True Blood, but I chose her because of her Rogue in the X-Men franchise. Anna is a great actress and through out all the X-Men movies that she was in, I loved the way she portrayed Rogue. I was very pleased to see her return in Days of Future Past after the time line was reset. She has great looks, and is a fantastic actress, and hopefully we can see more of her in the upcoming X-Men Apocalypse reprising her mutant role.

"The first boy I ever kissed ended up in a coma for three weeks. I can still feel him inside my head. The same for you"

Character Crush: Barbara Gordon (Batgirl or Oracle)

Barbara Gordon has had quite a journey over the years. She became a capable crime fighter alongside Batman. During that time engaged in an on-again off-again with Dick Grayson. Then the Joker paralyzed her in the famous storyline The Killing Joke. Most people would wallow in sorrow or give up on the vigilante lifestyle for good. Instead Barbara didn't give up. She used her computer skills to reinvent herself as a guide to the Bat-family known as Oracle. For years Oracle was an essential part of the Batman mythos until current continuity had Babs get her legs back and take back the mantle of Batgirl. No matter what future obstacles Barbara may face, she will always come out a greater hero.

Barbara's Batgirl first showed up in Batman: The Animated Series in the episode Shadow of the Bat Pt. 1+2. An amazing two parter with a great score. Give it a watch sometime.



  1. Babs is amazingly hot! Red heads!

  2. Dick Grayson always getting the D wet.

