Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Flash "Plastique" Review/Thoughts

The Flash returned this week after a brief hiatus, and with it came new tricks in Barry's repertoire, more backstory on the suspicious Harrison Wells, and the first meta-human to not be evil since The Flash himself.

Episode Description: After a massive explosion is caused by Plastique, (a meta-human who makes items spontaneously combust when she touches them) General Eiling arrives in Central City looking to utilize her powers.

High Points:
  • Barry starting to get daring with his powers (running up walls and on water)
  • Barry's Super Sobriety (he should grab a drink with Captain America sometime)
  • "The Streak" seems to be the pre-Flash name for Barry, much like "The Hood" was the pre-Arrow name for Oliver
  • General Wade "Eugene Krabs" Eiling makes his debut (potential for Captain Atom?)
  • The scene where The Flash confronts Iris, mostly because Barry vibrated his vocal chords to disguise his voice
  • Joe West wants Barry and Iris and none of this Eddie and Iris crap
  • Plastique's homemade bombs (basically metal balls she touched) 
  • Our weekly dose of suspicious behavior from Harrison Wells, this time connecting him to General Eiling
  • Gorilla Grodd!!

"Can ya feel it Mr. Krabs? Can ya feel it Mr. Krabs?"

Low Points
  • There seemed like there was potential for Plastique's character had she remained alive...
  • I am still not enjoying Iris. Her obsession with The Flash seems like it is only there to serve as the force that drives her and Barry apart
  • Every time The Flash rushed to Plastique's aid during this episode, Plastique got shot...

Verdict: The Flash is starting to really build on his repertoire of skills which is exciting to see. Not only is he starting to run fast enough to cross water and scale buildings, but he is also getting into the powers that stem from his ability to vibrate parts of his body at super speed. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I think it is only a matter of time until we start to see him vibrate through solid objects. I was a bit disappointed that Plastique only lasted one episode. Although she isn't the biggest name in the world of DC villains, she is one of the main villains to a character who we know is on the way: Firestorm (Robbie Amell). She is also the wife of Captain Atom, which brings me to my next point: General Wade Eiling is shaping up to have a reoccurring presence in this show. Not only does Eiling tend to have connections to Cadmus but he is also usually the one responsible for the creation of Captain Atom and Major Force. Dr. Wells did say that he liked to experiment on his own men, so would it be completely out of the question to start speculating on an appearance by Nathaniel Adam? Also for the first time since this show began, I am suddenly very unsure that Harrison Wells is the man I thought he was (Eobard Thawne). It has suddenly become very clear that both he and Eiling have something to do with Gorilla Grodd, who may be making a sooner appearance then we originally anticipated. We have only seen glimpses so far, but I for one am pumped to see Gorilla Grodd in live-action. Another great episode that dropped a lot of big names and opened up a lot of future possibilities means that an 8.5 out of 10 is in order. 

Thanks for reading the review. This show just drops names left and right so let us know what you think in the comments or on twitter @Caped_Informers. Be sure to check in regularly for more weekly reviews and other comic book universe news and rumors. Next week The Flash returns with "The Flash is Born".

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