Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Flash "Power Outage" Reviews/Thoughts

The Flash is hit hard with a cold dose of normalcy this week as his latest foe's powers leave him without his.

Episode Description: During a battle with a meta-human named Farooq (a.k.a. Blackout), Barry loses his super speed when his electrical energy is siphoned away by his foe. Meanwhile, Joe, Iris and Eddie are all taken hostage at the Central City Police Station by none other than the Clock King. 

High Points:

  • Getting more scenes of Harrison Wells out of his wheel chair and interacting with his future tech 
  • Barry showing some character weaknesses he will have to overcome (getting cocky, becoming dependent on his powers)
  • Another all-time PR shattered this week: The new lowest speed: 7 mph
  • Two villains this week!
  • Who says only the heroes of Arrow can pay Central City a visit? (Also does this mean that the villains that Barry faces could potentially rear their heads in Starling City?)
  • Dr. Wells essentially sending Girder off to die so Barry would be safe 
  • Dr. Wells and Barry seem to butt heads for the first time (could this be a preview of what is to come?)
  • "You stopped thinking about your powers and finally started connecting with them" - Caitlin Snow (This may be just a line but it sounds like the speed force could be hinted at here...)
  • Iris finally stepping it up and bringing it to the Clock King 
  • The weekly "Is he good or bad?" moment with Dr. Wells
Low Points:
  • Barry's "mental block" wasn't really explained, nor did it seem to make sense
  • "I need more speed" - Dr. Wells (This is what Wells said to Barry after saying that he needed the Flash for curing diseases and paralysis and whatnot..I am not sure how that translates) 
  • Iris seemed to get over the Flash's absence at the hostage situation immediately 
  • Nobody replaced Barry's mug...Barry loved that mug...

There are two types of heroes in this world: The ones who love their mugs, and the ones who couldn't give a shit

Verdict: Another stepping stone for the show this week: Two villains in one night! In one corner we had the savvy vet. from Starling City, The Clock King. Though the Flash never confronted him, his hostage situation was still very entertaining, and it was kinda of cool to see the unspoken communication between Joe and Eddie that led to the King's demise. In the other corner we had the newcomer from Central City, Blackout, a character so obscure that he isn't even from the original DC universe. Some people may know him from the alternate universe that is featured in the Flashpoint storyline. In tonight's episode he reminded me a lot of Electro from The Amazing Spiderman 2, (without the glowing blue skin, of course) due to his ability to siphon electricity as both a method of sustaining himself and as a method of attacking others. I enjoyed the whole "Barry without his powers" story but I really didn't buy into the "mental block" that kept him from using his powers after they recharged him. It seemed like it was forced in there just to prolong the time that Barry was powerless for. However, this week's episode was truly more about building upon Dr. Well's character than it was Barry's. We got a lot of screen time with Harrison in his back room consulting with his future-seeing computer and I found it very interesting that the future changed when Barry "lost" his powers. We now know that Dr. Wells is not just here for the ride, but that he is here specifically to guide Barry towards the events tat lead to his disappearance in 2024. We also learned the lengths at which he is willing to go to make sure that it happens (sacrificing the lives of others to protect that of Barry's). Now I am just going to say that Professor Zoom is usually categorized as having an unhealthy obsession with The Flash and Dr. Wells does spend an awful lot of time in that back room of his thinking about Barry... Just a thought. A lot of villainy this week and a lot of character development means a 7.5 out of 10 is in order. 

Thanks for checking out the review. What did you think of this week's episode? What do you think will happen in future episodes? Let us know your thoughts both in the comments and on the Caped Informers twitter @Caped_Informers. Next week is the big week! On Tuesday The Flash kicks off the two part Arrow/Flash crossover with "Flash vs. Arrow" and on Wednesday Arrow concludes it with "The Brave and the Bold". Check back here next week for reviews following the episodes!

That One Time The Flash Made a Real Ass Out of Me: Last week when Barry put Tony Woodward away there was not a doubt in my mind that Tony would someday break out of his prison and Barry would be in severe trouble of having his identity revealed. I said that plain and simple in my review. One week later Tony Woodward is dead. I thought I knew the game you were playing The Flash, but tonight you essentially said "Shut up Ryan, you don't know shit about us", and too that I say well played.

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