Black Canary fights regular Canary while Thea gets upset and bangs a DJ in an all new Arrow. (SPOILERS!)
High Points
- Laurel's arc is becoming one of the strongest parts of the show. Every week she is improving as a crime fighter both mentally and physically.
- Thea finally learns Ollie's secret and doesn't get mad he lied, but instead thanks him.
- Thea also realizes Malcolm manipulation of her. (Except not that she murdered Sara.)
- Amanda Waller is doing Amanda Waller things in Hong Kong. The day Batman finally water boards her with gasoline will become a national holiday.
- Canary on Canary was awesome. Laurel's fears being tied to her sister's death and her addict past were perfect for further insight on her motivations as a vigilante. ("Stop trying to be like Sara and be yourself").
- Frustrations in the Arrow cave are beginning to boil over and like usual Daddy Diggle comes to the rescue.
- Gotta give props to Katie Cassidy. She looks strong. She put work in the gym and it has paid off.
- Post sex fights are the best fights.
- The Black Canary fucking beats down Vertigo.
- Captain Lance finally gets told the truth about his daughter's death. It was sad but he deserved to know.
- The League Of Assassins is down a DJ.
- Ollie was back in Starling City at some point during his five years away.
Does DJ Khaled work for the League of Assassins?
Low Points
- Vertigo's fear drug is used to good effect, but I just can't get over how much of a scarecrow clone he is.
- Why did they basically show us the Canary vs. Canary fight twice? Usually you add something more the second time around, but all we got was Ollie firing an arrow leading to the end of the fight. Just thought it was weird.
- Thea's melodrama got a little tiresome.
- Roy or DJ Douchebag? If you chose the DJ, then get the hell out of here. Bad choice Thea.
- I liked the post sex fight, but wished Roy beat DJ Douchebag instead of Merlyn.
- Two episodes in a row without Ray Palmer. Where the hell is Ray?
Verdict: Laurel has come a long way from the start of Arrow. For much of the show she had been seen as extremely unlikable. So it's great to finally see her come into her own during the second half of season 3. Re-introducing Scarecrow-ripoff Vertigo into the mix tonight led to further insight into Laurel's character. She is afraid of not being as good as her sister. She is afraid that she is a former addict. This episode is all about her overcoming those fears so that she can become her own Canary. A Black Canary! Excited to see her become more and more integrated into Team Arrow. It is surprising though that Laurel's journey to vigilantism has been the most compelling storyline this season and personally I think it is because that once again the League of Assassins looked weak. All season we have seen the League's members get killed with ease and now tonight their pussy DJ took the HYDRA way out. Besides Ra's fight against Ollie, the League has not shown to be a capable antagonist. Flash has plenty of recurring villains and an overarching battle with the Reverse Flash that has kept it's audience extremely interested in. This season of Arrow doesn't seem to have that. Last year we had an epic season-long battle with Deathstroke, this season has one fight with Ra's. Step it up League of Assassins. All in all though the Canary on Canary fights were fun so "Canaries" gets a 7.5 out of 10.
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You's a dead man DJ |
Thanks for reading! Are you excited to return to the island? Does Count Vertigo suck? Let us know in the comments or on twitter @Caped_Informers. and @cstrand73. Be sure to check back regularly for more show/movie reviews and breaking news/stories regarding the comic book universe. Arrow returns same time next week with "The Return" as Ollie returns to the island and Deathstroke returns to the show! It's can't miss TV.
Laurel is hawt but Sara is hotter