Episode Description: Still without Oliver, the team is forced to consider Malcolm's offer; more details of Malcolm's life are revealed.
High Points:
- Really enjoyed the Malcom Merlyn flashbacks. Always interesting to see the flashbacks use someone other than Ollie.
- The team work between Arsenal and Canary is really growing on me. Together they have proved they can kick some serious ass.
- Robert Queens returns in some flashbacks!
- Diggle continues to prove to be the moral center and daddy figure of the team.
- Felicity is a genius and her brilliance is a key driving force for Team Arrow.
- The Glades fight scene was an incredible bit of TV. Christian and I both agreed it had some resemblances to The Dark Knight Rises. You don't usually see things like that on network TV, unless its Game of Thrones.
- Wildcat vs Brick was a hell of a brawl. Watching Wildcat fight was a lot of fun.
- Welcome back Ollie Q. Such a badass way to come back and tell your city "they did not fail" in his absence.
- If you're not excited about Merlyn training Ollie, you must have no pulse.
I hope Malcolm teaches Ollie these moves
- Felicity, I'm sorry but you are starting to become the Lana of this show. All you do is whine and complain about everything. Shape up, you're a member of Team Arrow there are no complaints.
- The actor who played a young Tommy Merlyn was awful.
- Would have liked to have seen an explanation to how Ollie's healing process. That whole sequence happened very fast, yet nothing was explained.
- No Ray Palmer this week. He's been a reason to come back week after week, but I guess all the greats need a week off.
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Felcity and Ollie in the final moment tonight |
Verdict: Well you couldn't have asked for a better episode this week people. Action, suspense, top notch flash backs, and the return of a hero. All ingredients for a perfect Arrow filled cake. The flash back scenes were a great addition to the characterization of Malcom Merlyn. We often don't get to see any other back stories besides Ollie's so I very much enjoyed it. All the events of the present though led to Ollie asking Malcom to train him for a rematch against Ras Ah Gul. Personally, I love this. You mean to tell me two bad ass archers are now going to be training together, learning from each other, and becoming more bad ass. What's not to love (unless you're Felicity). I guess the only question I have is what does this mean for Team Arrow now? We saw in tonights episode, a whole range of emotions about having to team up with Merlyn to stop Brick. Does that mean that they are going to be hurt Ollie is now working beside him? Also tonight we saw the debut of Wildcat as a vigilante. Very cool addition to the Arrowverse and his fight with Brick really proved what a great fighter he is. Ya did he get his ass handed to him? He did, but he'll be back my friends, he will be back. On a final note I want to touch on this whole Felicity nonsense. As I mentioned in the "low points" section she has become such an annoyance and whiner. She get's all the air time while taking away from Big Daddy Dig and others who deserve it. The CW likes to do this with all their shows, and I get that, but this is too much. As I digress, I'm happy Ollie is back, and I'm excited too se what comes next for these guys.
All in all I give tonights episode a solid 8.5 out of 10!
Thanks for reading guys. How did you like tonight's episode? Do you like Ollie training with Merlyn? Feel free to comment and tweet at us @Caped_Informers. Make sure to tune into next week's episode "Canaries".
Editor's Note: Ollie lied to Thea about meeting up with an old buddy in Bludhaven and getting thrown in the slammer. I hope that friend would be Dick Grayson. Ollie and Dick would slay all the red heads in the DC-CW universe. Best tag team since Gronk and Edleman.
Editor's Note: Ollie lied to Thea about meeting up with an old buddy in Bludhaven and getting thrown in the slammer. I hope that friend would be Dick Grayson. Ollie and Dick would slay all the red heads in the DC-CW universe. Best tag team since Gronk and Edleman.