6 Things That The Spectacular Spiderman Needs To Do
Spiderman is swinging his way into the MCU. I still get excited every time I write it. After an introduction in Captain America: Civil War, the Web Head will be getting a new solo film in 2017. So I prematurely determined that film should be titled The Spectacular Spiderman and came up with a list of some things that Marvel Studios' take on the character should include. Enjoy!
Ever since Marvel + Sony's announced their team-up, the name Miles Morales has been tossed around quite a bit. Some people are tired of Peter Parker's tale. Instead they want a different character as Spiderman. Miles is of course the Spiderman from Marvel comics' Ultimate verse. He was introduced back in 2011 and picked up the mantle of Spiderman after Ultimate-verse's Peter Parker's death. The real plus to Miles is that he would bring some much needed diversity to the Avenger's roster with his half African American half Puerto Rican heritage.
Now while I agree that bringing in Miles as Spiderman does have it's positives, I still believe that Peter Parker should remain the cinematic Spiderman for now. Fans have wanted to see Spiderman chill with his fellow Avengers for some time now and having Miles being there instead of Peter just would not be the same. I wanna see Peter exchange quips with Iron Man and receive guidance from Captain America. He is the original Spidey and with Marvel finally getting to use the character in it's universe, I just don't see them not using Peter Parker.
Now in the future I am 100% onboard with bringing Miles in as a replacement. Marvel Studios wants these films to run for as long as possible, so when the time is right Miles can take on the mantle of Spidey and carry the franchise into a new era.
But until then, if Peter is involved keep his origin story out of it. Peter gets bit. Uncle Ben gets killed. Powers + Responsibility. We get it. We don't need to see it again a third time. The Amazing Spiderman had Ben die because Peter wanted chocolate milk. There is just no coming back from that. Do what The Incredible Hulk did and tell Peter's origins in the opening credits. Of course the film can allude back to Uncle's Ben murder and Peter getting his powers when needed, but just start the film with Peter having been Spidey for a little while.
2. Introduce New Villains
The Amazing Spiderman did a poor job of utilizing Spiderman's rogues gallery. Which is surprising because besides maybe Batman, the Web slinger has the best cast of baddies in comics. Which brings us to Electro. No one's favorite villain is Electro. Stan Lee and Steve Ditko don't even like him. That is until The Amazing Spiderman 2 director Marc Webb claimed that he loved the character. Then he turned Electro into a caricature and absolute joke of a main villain. Now if that's how Marc treats the things he loves, I sure wouldn't want to be his Valentine. So for the new films let's focus on villains people actually like and have set backstories, not a guy who looks like Mr. Freeze's ballsack and acts like Jim Carrey's Riddler.
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Truer words have never been spoken |
Although I do have one caveat. Hold on off on using the Green Goblin for now. He has been depicted on screen twice now and the last time Marc Webb gave him fucking meth mouth. Pennsatucky from Orange Is The New Black has a better smile than that ugly bastard. Now this is in no way saying that the characters Norman + Harry Osborn should not be used at all, but what I'm saying is if they are used set them up for a couple of movies before suit up one of them up in the halloween costume.
3. Get An Experienced Director(s)
No more Marc Webbs. The guy was inexperienced with action movies and large budgets. He did excel in romantic moments, but if you look at #6 I say this next reboot needs less of that shit. So who should Marvel + Sony turn to for directing this bad boy?
The obvious choices are Chris Miller + Phil Lord. They dominated the action comedy genre last year by directing both The Lego Movie and 22 Jump St. The duo has worked with a large budget and are comfortable with both action + comedy. Plus they have worked with Sony before and the last time Marvel hired a duo comedy director team, the Russo brothers, they got the best Marvel solo film since Iron Man. Miller + Lord are a perfect choice to steer this franchise back in the right direction.
I need Peter Parker doing some Slam Poetry in my life
4. Find A Consistent Tone By Telling Cohesive One Story
Besides it's laughable baddies, the biggest problem with The Amazing Spiderman was that it spun too many damn plates. The movie had more story-lines than an episode of Game Of Thrones except that almost half of them didn't even matter to the plot. Truthfully there was just too much going on to care about anything. Important parts of Peter Parker's character like working for the Daily Bugle or going to college were glossed over in favor of showing us Aunt May become a nurse. Peter is your main character. Never forget that. Don't just throw Peter into a mishmash of random studio ideas.
But by far the least interesting component of the mishmash that was The Amazing Spiderman films was the backstory to Peter Parker's parents. It was a story that had an obvious conclusion (except for the random subway laboratory) with little payoff. No one cares about Peter Parker's parents. We care about how Peter lost his Uncle because he didn't do what was right. He will carry the weight of Ben's loss with him for his entire life. No need to bring his deadbeat parents into the equation as well.
My point is that there is no need to drudge up Spiderman's past anymore. The comic fans know it. The general audience knows it. It is time to move forward with the character instead of constantly linking his stories to his past. The last two movies to really focus in on Peter's past were Spiderman 3 that linked Sandman back to Uncle Ben's death for no reason and The Amazing Spiderman 2 that focused (well they didn't really focus on anything) on Peter's shithead parents. Let's leave the past in the past and move forward with Spidey.
One final note for Sony. Do not try to set up any fucking spin offs. This comment is directed at Sony because they are still obsessed with making a Sinister Six film still even after making a deal with Marvel that squashed their original plans. Instead focus on the franchise at hand. This is your last shot. You can't reboot Spiderman again if this fails (at least not for a while anyway). So listen to Marvel and don't give us anymore of this Oscorp created every single bad guy ever nonsense.
5. Focus Less on Love Interests
Emma Stone's Gwen Stacy was a high point of the recent Spidey flicks. Kristen Dunst's Mary Jane Watson on the other hand was one of the worst parts of the original trilogy. So whether its Gwen, MJ, Felicia Hardy, or his fucking left hand let's have less focus on Spiderman's love life for at least one movie.
Look at great superhero movies like The Dark Knight, GOTG, The Avengers, and Captain America: The Winter Solider. What do all these films have in common? Their romantic plots are minimal. Hell, if Peter is going back to high school so let's show him be a nerd and not getting the girl for once. Seriously the guy has gotten more ass than any nerd I have ever seen.
Lastly on this topic, the climax of the film should not include Peter's current boo (if he actually does get one). In all 5 movies Peter has been forced to protect his girlfriend during his final showdown with a nemesis. Let's change up the stakes this time around.
Right on, Adam!
6. Have A Connection To The MCU
One of the coolest aspects of having a connected cinematic universe is that characters can pop up just about anywhere. Take Black Widow for example. She has been in 3 MCU films so far (also referred to as the Black Widow trilogy) Iron Man 2, The Avengers, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Each of those films is from a different franchise and yet Widow fits into each one of them. So while Spiderman will be featured in Captain America: Civil War, I believe Marvel + Sony should have some other character from the MCU pop up in his solo film.
Now I'm not sitting here saying that Iron Man or Hulk needs to show up, but maybe one of Marvel's New York based heroes or villains can. Personally I think the perfect fit would be either Daredevil or Kingpin. Both characters are being introduced in Netflix/Marvel's Daredevil TV show set to air in April. By the time 2017 rolls around the Man Without Fear and the Kingpin of crime will have had over two seasons (assuming that the show succeeds) of development and will be ready for big screen appearances. Just imagine Spidey and Daredevil teaming up to bring down the Kingpin. This scenario could also help set up Sony's Sinister Six (hopefully it never happens because it completely goes against my 4th point) that they seem so obsessed with making still. They could use the storyline from the 1994 Spiderman TAS in which Kingpin assembles the Insidious Six to defeat Spiderman. Anyway I just think that those two characters could fit nicely into Spidey's universe.
Lastly, the Punisher was teased in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. So maybe just like his comic counterpart he could be introduced in a Spidey story. Seriously though I could go on for another twenty paragraphs about who could show up where in a Spiderman movie because the interconnected universe allows for just about anything. So just put someone in there Marvel + Sony.
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Bonus: Bring Back Soon to Be Oscar Winner J.K. Simmons As J.Jonah Jameson
Incredible actor who was so perfectly cast that he made Marc Webb and Sony afraid to find a replacement.
Incredible actor who was so perfectly cast that he made Marc Webb and Sony afraid to find a replacement.
Thanks for reading! Are you excited for Spiderman to join the MCU? Who do you want Spidey throwing down with in his next solo adventure? Let us know in the comments or on twitter @Caped_Informers. and @cstrand73. Be sure to check back regularly for more show/movie reviews and editorials regarding the comic book universe. I'm also writing up a few diffent pitches a story to the 2017 Spidey movie, so stay tuned for that as well.
Agree with all except I want Miles. Need some change