Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Flash "The Nuclear Man" Review

 Barry attempts to blow his load while Firestorm tries not to blow his in an all new The Flash. (SPOILERS!)

Episode Description: After Ronnie (Robbie Amell) attacks a physicist (Bill Dow), Barry (Grant Gustin) and the team realize they need to go after Caitlin’s (Danielle Panabaker) fiancé who is now a dangerous meta-human.

If Ryan thought the soundtrack to last episode should be Boy George then this one's has to be Nelly.

High Points
  • The heat was on in this episode in more ways than one. The Firestorm storyline really heated up. Barry was getting ass. Spicy food and ghost peppers were running amuck. MILFs were trying to bang Joe West. And I was sweating just watching it.
  • Joe employs Cisco to help him with his investigation into Nora Allen's death. (Watch your ass, Wells!).
  • The use of flashbacks helped add to the episode. (Nice autobiography cover, Wells).
  • Robbie Amell does his best Victor Garber impression as he attempt to show how Stein is in control of Ronnie's body. (Ronnie definitely drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon).
  • The science behind how Cisco was able to render images from the night of Nora murder was awesome.
  • Wells is once again quick to decide to kill a man in order to save other people. His philosophy differs from Barry's and will hopefully bring his secrets to light. (He is not a good guy Cisco!).
  • Seeing Wells in his secret room never gets old. Especially when he is forced to delay his plans in order to try to save Central City.
  • Adult Barry's blood is found at his mother's crime scene. (FLASHPOINT HERE WE COME!)
  • General Eiling's search for Firestorm will be interesting going forward. Could it lead to the General's other pal, Grodd??
  • The Amell cousins hate shirts and I dig it.
This show was steamier than being in an underground spring with Jon Snow and Ygritte
Low Points
  • No real villain this week, but the Firestorm conundrum more than sufficed.
  • Eddie Thawne is lucky Barry showed up to stop that suicide jumper. "You have so much to live for" is all you got, Eddie?
  • Iris West is the new mayor of Cockblock City.
  • You did a good job in this week, Robbie, but nobody gives a shit about your movie The DUFF. Compared to your cousin Steve, Grant Gustin, and David Rasmey, you're the DUFF of the Flarrow-verse.
Verdict: After weeks of build-up, Firestorm finally became the focus of an episode instead of just a sub-plot. "The Nuclear Man" was all about letting us know what is going on with Caitlin Snow's ex-fiance. First we discovered that Martin Stein has been in control of Ronnie Raymond's body. Actor Robbie Amell did a good job of portraying the old scientist inside the young man's body. And that struggle between the two men was the main conflict this week as it led to a potential nuclear blast. Ultimately Firestorm did explode. Ending with General Eiling ordering his men to bring him Firestorm. Could the General's return to Central City lead to a meeting with his old buddy who's living in the sewer named Grodd? Maybe, but I'm gonna bet that the writers are setting up Grodd for season 2. Elsewhere Cisco helped Joe with his investigation into Nora Allen's murder. The two of them made a pretty startling discovery. They found blood on the wall from an adult Barry Allen!! That means that Barry was the second speedster there that night alongside the Reverse Flash. The shows producers have hinted at DC's Flashpoint storyline before, could this be the beginning of it? Could we see Barry go back in time and stop his mother's murder thus altering the Flawrrow-verse? The possibilities would be endless. Imagine a world where Robert Queen is a more violent and unforgiving version of the Arrow because Ollie died on the island (Taking the place of  Flashpoint Thomas Wayne as Batman instead of Bruce). Imagine Captain Cold becoming the vigilante Citizen Cold and attempting the stop the other rogues. Imagine Mama Smoak becoming the Canary because she is wicked hot. I'm getting way too excited just thinking about it. Anyway "The Nuclear Man" may not have had a villain, but it paid off on the weeks of Firestorm build-up and gave a new pairing of characters (Cisco and Joe) discovering a huge revaltion that will definitely affect the future of the show. So at the end of the day "The Nuclear Man" gets an 8.5 out of 10 

Thanks for reading! Got any theories for how Flashpoint could play out? Would you eat a ghost pepper to get laid? Let us know in the comments or on twitter @Caped_Informers. and @cstrand73. Be sure to check back regularly for more show/movie reviews and breaking news/stories regarding the comic book universe. The Flash returns same time next week with "Fallout".


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