Episode Description: It's celebration time as Diggle and Lyla get married. However, Deadshot interrupts their honeymoon and tells them the Suicide Squad has been given a new mission rescue United States Senator Joseph Cray from a hostage situation in the Republic of Kasnia. Amanda Waller breaks down the mission and introduced them to the newest member of the Suicide Squad, Cupid. Meanwhile, Oliver learns about Ray's new Atom costume and the two have a heated stand-off. Felicity and Ray hit a rough patch.
High Points
- "I love weddings, drinks all around"! as Captain Jack would say. Congrats to the newly weds.
- It's always good to see Diggle get some action in an episode. Besides when him and Ollie took on the league, it has been to long since we have seen him in action.
- Suicide Squad is back, and Cupid joins their ranks and I thought she fit in pretty well.
- I really enjoyed the the Ollie 4-way fight with him self.
- The ATOM suit showed us some new abilities that we weren't able to see in last weeks episode.
- The Ollie-Ray face off was pretty cool. Each one now knows where the other stands in terms of saving the city and also Felicity.
- The flash back scenes this week gave us an insight to Dead Shot's background which I thought was pretty interesting.
- To add to the Dead Shot background, we see the mention of HIVE, how he became a bounty hunter, and his first target.
- I thought the plot had a pretty good twist involving the suicide squad and their mission in Kasnia. A senator faking a hostage situation just for a presidential bid.
- Very action packed episode with well balanced drama if you ask me.
- Dead Shot taking a hero's death to save others. He was a true soldier till the end. We applaud your efforts good sir.
- Did the ending reveal something that will shake Team Arrow?!?
"congratulations Dig and Lila"
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"We want you to join the Suicide Squad" |
Low Points
- Why did Felicity sound like she was on drugs the entire episode? Speaking slowly almost sounding like she was drunk. Just really don't like how her character has evolved.
- The ATOM suite is still a glorified Iron Man suite. Although Tony Stark would approve, we want to see some shrinking in size some real ATOM suite abilities.
- Although Dead Shot was a villain, it was sad to see him go. He was a great villain and a lot of fun to watch.
- If Diggle ever left Team Arrow, there would be riots in the streets. Im talking burning cars, angry mobs, you know the stuff you see after a Patriots Super Bowl loss at Umass.
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"I am Iron Man...ur uh I mean.....ATOM" |
Verdict: Tonight's episode pretty much picked up right off from last week. The League of Assassins are framing The Arrow for murder to have the city turn against him. Also this week we had the Suicide Squad and their next mission. With Waller dispatching the Squad to Kansia, Team Arrow loses Dig to his duties. Although the story line of the squad this week did not have much to do with the underlying story line, we still got to see some awesome action, some characterization of Dead Shot, and also a warriors death (you know who I am talking about). Lets focus now on what the league is doing to Ollie. Along with the entire city being turned against him we see Ray Palmer taking actions into his own hands, and his own plan to take down the Arrow. After an X-Ray (no pun intended) ATOM discovers Ollie is the Arrow and decides to take matters into his own hands. So we get to see our first Arrow v. ATOM show down. Wasn't much of anything. A couple of sonic blasts, and before you knew it it was over. Arrow shuts the suit down and tells Ray he's not a killer, back off, and go to Felicity thus in a nut shell ending Olicity. My question is this, what can we see in the future? The end of the episode left us hanging, Ray and Ollie seem to have an understanding with each other so could we see a future team up? How will this all play out when Ollie is being shunned by the entire city with Ras Ah Gul completely in control? The answers lie within the remaining episodes of season 3.
All in all I give tonight's episode a solid 8 out of 10!
Thanks for reading guys! What do you think is next for Team Arrow? Will Ray and Ollie team up? Were you satisfied with the suicide squad's results? Leave us a comment or tweet us @Caped_Informers or @O_DoyleRULES11.
Tune in next week for episode 18 "Public Enemy"
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