Episode Description: Mark Mardon, a.k.a. Weather Wizard, returns to Central City to seek revenge on the man who killed his brother: Detective Joe West. Meanwhile, Cisco starts to become suspicious of Dr. Harrison Wells and attempts to understand what went wrong the night they had the reverse Flash briefly contained in S.T.A.R. Labs.
High Points:
- I was wondering when/how/if we were going to get the real Weather Wizard. Enter Mark Mardon, who in my opinion was a much better villain than his one-episode worthy, god-complex having brother Clyde Mardon. (Mark called himself a god as well, but at least it wasn't a defining character feature for him)
- The scenes where the Weather Wizard used his powers were awesome. Especially during his attack on the police station. He has much better control over his powers than his brother did which makes him a more formidable opponent for Barry.
- I am enjoying the Joe West/Mark Mardon rivalry. One of the things I have come to like about this show is that everyone seems to have their own personal rivalries going on, whether it is Barry and the Reverse Flash or Harrison Wells and General Eiling or even Cisco and Hartley Rathaway. It gives other characters something to do and it adds to them as characters overtime as well.
- Harrison Wells has become the talk of Central City. First we got Joe suspecting him of murder and now we got Mason Bridge getting Iris to ask around as well as Cisco starting to look into it himself.
- Cisco creates a "wand" that allows Barry to negate Mardon's weather powers. Sounds like another one of Cicso's gadgets could potentially fall into the wrongs hands (Weather Wizard's weather wand anyone?)
- The episode hit a certain point toward the end where suddenly shit started getting crazy. The following points highlight said craziness
- Dr. Harrison Wells reveals himself to Cisco as Eobard Thawne!!
- Eobard Thawne then tells Cisco that Eddie is a distant relative and he shows Cisco that by using his super speed he can appear to be in two places at once! (Thus explaining why he was able to confront himself during "The Man in the Yellow Suit" episode)
- Thawne then kills Cisco! By vibrating his hand fast enough to reach into his chest and stop his heart!
- Meanwhile Barry not only gets a kiss from Iris but he also reveals to her that he is The Flash!
- And finally, Barry runs so fast that he goes back in time! And it turns out that the figure he saw running next to him in the beginning of the episode was himself!! And since Barry knew nothing of the events that unfolded between Wells and Cisco, we are basically right back to where we started!!!
It's a lot to take in Larry...It's a lot to take in...
Low Points:
- Most of the major events of this episode took place within the last 10 minutes of the episode so the beginning seemed slow by comparison, with a lot of focus being put on how Eddie and Linda felt awkward during their bowling date
- It seemed like Weather Wizard was able to get away a lot this episode. He attacked Barry twice at close range and when the attack was over it just kind of ended there. There wasn't much of an attempt on Barry's part to pursue or contain him. Mardon was just left to drive/walk away.
- Because Barry went back in time at the end of the episode, it seems like a lot of the ground that got covered in this week's episode may be erased. However, that doesn't change the fact that Harrison Wells IS Eobard Thawne.
Verdict: Usually when I sit down to watch The Flash I expect to get smacked upside the head with some new plot-forwarding information, but tonight was just straight-up offensive barrage:
What I have come to expect while watching The Flash

What happened during this episode
Let's start with Dr. Harrison Wells confession. We learned last month that Wells was definitely the Man in the Yellow Suit when he unmasked himself to General Eiling. Now we finally got him to say the name that I have been writing without a definite face to match it to for months now: Eobard Thawne! He also displayed his ability to create a "speed mirage" which finally gives a solid explanation for what the hell was going on during the midseason finale. Unfortunately, this puts to rest the speculations of two yellow speedsters running around (at least for now), but I am very ok with that just knowing that Eobard Thawne and Gorilla Grodd are already present in Central City. We also get a quick glimpse into Eobard's motives, as he tells Cisco he needs The Flash to be able to get back to his own "world". Did the Reverse Flash travel back in time with no idea how to return hime? Did he have a way of getting back originally but something went wrong? And if he originally meant to kill Barry why did Nora end up dead? These are just some of the questions caused by a complex time-travel based storyline, and luckily for us, Barry did his first bit of time-traveling this episode! It was accidental and he only went back a handful of days but it was extremely exciting to see! However, Barry's impromptu time-travel does make it a bit difficult to seriously talk about the other events that took place during the last 10 minutes of the episode because it looks like Barry is going to get a second chance to keep things from escalating to that point. It looks like Barry will have the insight next week to stop Weather Wizard before Joe gets captured, which means him and Iris probably won't kiss, which means he probably won't reveal himself as The Flash to her. On the other side of town Cisco probably won't get the chance to fully investigate the night they almost had the Reverse Flash, which means Harrison won't have to reveal himself as Eobard Thawne to him which means Cisco doesn't have to die! So there is good and bad to come out of this alternate time-line, but whatever happens next week, it does not change what we now know to be true about Eobard Thawne. As for the other 40 minutes of the episode, there was not too much going on besides the most awkward bowling date ever and a lot of cool Weather Wizard action. I'm not saying that Mark Mardon was an overly spectacular villain but I did enjoy him as the Weather Wizard a lot more than his brother. Plus I am glad to see that the Weather Wizard will get more screen time than just one episode. He is a decently notable villain of The Flash and is a potential member of the Rouges so he deserves slightly more than taking two in the chest during the show's pilot. Also next week's episode is titled "Rouge Time" so who knows. Maybe Mark will join the Rouge's roster when they swing through town again. All in all this ended up being a very exciting episode, even if half of it was erased by Barry's time-traveling. However, I guess if we are going to start diving headlong into the time-traveling aspect of Barry's powers we better get used to having alternate timelines thrown at us. An 8.0 out of 10 is in order.
Thanks for reading the review! What are your thoughts on Barry's unplanned trip back in time? Did you shit your pants as hard as I did when Harrison Wells introduced himself as Eobard Thawne? Let us know in the comments or on twitter @Caped_Informers. Be sure to check back here regularly for more reviews of your favorite comic books shows and movies as wells as other articles about your favorite heroes. The Flash returns same time next week with "Rouge Time".
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