Friday, March 13, 2015

DC Core Heroes Are Getting New Costumes

Forget Paris Fashion week, it's DC Fashion week. Last Friday, Supergirl showed off her new  duds for her upcoming TV show. And now DC has flexed it's designer muscles again by revealing several costume redesigns for it's core heroes. That's right DC's greatest characters are getting updating after their Convergence event in June. So let's walk these beauties down the runway and decide who is the fairest of them all. 

1. Superman/The Man of Steel/Man of Tomorrow 

Superman has lost his tights and cape. He is going straight bro with his new tight tee and jeans combo. Add that too his newfound stubble and buzz cut and you have got a guy you could sit back split a 12 pack of Miller High Life Ponies with. Just be ready for when he drinks too much that night and ends up staying on your futon for the next 6 months. Grade: C+

2. Batman/The Dark Knight/The Caped Crusader

Batman isn't brooding in the shadows anymore with this new getup. This big blue machine is much more conspicuous than the classic black cape and grey tights. Bruce has really developed a mechanized suit fetish in the New 52. First he wore one in the "Night of the Owls", then he donned the Hellbat suit on Apoklips, and then most recently at the beginning of "Endgame" he fought the Justice League in his Justicebuster suit. Out of all of those suits I would say this new one is third coolest of the four. The most interesting part about this costume though is the solicit for Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's 41st issue it says someone other than Bruce is in the batsuit. Just look at recently fired gun in that picture. Bruce is never gonna use a firearm to fight crime. So who is under the cowl? My guess would be Alfred's daughter Julia (just tossing a name out there), but whoever it is better be ready to brawl because you are not gonna be able to be stealthy with long ears that would put Roger Rabbit's to shame. Grade: B

3 + 4. The Flash + Green Arrow / The CW Crew

Flash and Arrow both have success CW shows to go along with their successful comic runs. So let's start with Barry. He looks influenced by Harrison Wells' Reverse Flash suit. I'm not loving it, but I'm not hating it either. Just really prefer the classic look. Grade: C

Green Arrow on the other hand has been hitting the gym. Looking buff, Ollie. And not just that he is growing out his hair making him look like his past counterpart on Arrow. I'm really digging it. Grade: B+ 

5. Wonder Woman/ The God of War

Ever since the Finchs took over Wonder Woman, I have had little to no interest in keeping up with their current storyline, but these new duds might just change that. Wonder Woman is armoring up in a big way. Switching out that silver trim for gold that really makes it all pop. But mostly I just wanna see Diana impale a dude with those bracelets. Grade: A

Thanks for reading! Are you excited for DC's new costumes Post-Convergence? Who do you think is in the new Batsuit? Let us know in the comments or on twitter @Caped_Informers or @cstrand73. Also be sure to check back regularly for more show/movie reviews and editorials regarding the comic book universe.

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