Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Suicide Squad Adds Steve Trevor and Killer Croc!

Have you ever heard the phrase "There can be too much of a good thing"? Well fuck whoever said that crap because Suicide Squad is giving us so much amazingness it can't possibly be bad for us. David Ayer has officially unmasked himself as Santa Claus because he is spreading joy and presents throughout the DC universe.

It all started last night, when Latino Review revealed that professional gorgeous man Scott Eastwood, son of little known actor Clint Eastwood, would cameo in Suicide Squad as Col. Steve Trevor. Thus setting up a role for him in the Wonder Woman movie. Will he be crash landing on Themscyria? That remains to be seen. But this is a cool thread of world building and Eastwood is a star in the making. Hope and him and Gal Gadot can find some good chemistry because I would much rather have these two as love interests rather than Superman and Wonder Woman. Hey Superman, you are dating Lois Lane (Amy Adams) leave some cool women for the rest of us.

Source: Latino Review

Continuing the trend of awesomeness, The Wrap reported today that Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (OZ) will play Batman bad guy Killer Croc in Suicide Squad as well. This was a heart stopper for me. I'm a massive Adewale fan. He first gained my attention as Adebisi on OZ. Beside his uncanny ability to keep a tiny hat on the top of his head, he was the scariest and most physical character on the show. He always kept you entertained and on the edge of your seat. You never knew what he was gonna do next. So when Adewale showed up in another show I was watching, Lost, as Mr. Eko, I was ecstatic. So much so that when the show eventually killed him off, I stopped watching. (I never found out what happened on the island and I don't give a shit either). So to hear this man will be playing one of my favorite Bat-villains is a dream come true. 

Though the coolest component of adding Killer Croc is that it means that he has fought Batman before in this universe. It means Bats has put more criminals away than just Joker and Harley Quinn. So any number of classic Batman villains could already exist in this universe. Which is such a cool idea that any baddie who pops up against Batman in a future film will have some history battling him.

Croc is special though because for years we were forced to see a "realistic take" on Batman by Chris Nolan, where more fantastical bad guys like Croc were left off the table in favor for villains who were more likely to be real. And while that was great, the possibilities in the DCCU are much more open. Just imagine a Batman vs. Croc fight in the sewer in the beginning of the next solo Bat flick? That would be insane. Hell, maybe Croc will beat down Batman with a can of peaches. Or maybe Croc will just throw a rock at him. There can never be too much of a good thing, right?

Source: The Wrap

Thanks for reading! What do you guys think of Killer Croc and Steve Trevor? Would you like to see Batman fight Croc? What's your favorite Adebisi moment? Let us know in the comments or tweet at us @Caped_Informers or me @cstrand73. And make sure to tune in for our weekly Arrow and Flash reviews. Suicide Squad  begins filming soon and will hit theaters in August, 2016.

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