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You don't get it, son. This isn't a email service, it's a blog and we're the bloggers! We are the Caped Informers. Here to inform you on all current comic related news.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Shailene Woodley Not Coming Back as Mary Jane Watson in ASM 3?
In a recent interview with Total Film the Divergent actress was asked about her possible involvement in The Amazing Spider-man 3. Woodley was cast as MJ in ASM 2 and even shot scenes with Andrew Garfield (Peter Parker) and Emma Stone (Gwen Stacy). All of Woodley's scenes as MJ however were cut from the film by director Marc Webb who claimed that the movie was already introducing too many characters and something had to give. So the assumption was that Woodley would be introduced as Peter's love interest MJ in the third installment of the franchise. Now it seems that Woodley is uninterested in returning. She said to Total Film on her future involvement in the franchise "“I have no idea and I don’t know that I’d even want to do two franchises at this point.” In my opinion Shailene received a lot of undeserved negative backlash because she does't "LOOK EXACTLY LIKE MJ" from the comics. She is a great up and coming actress who talents were especially showcased in The Descendants alongside George Clooney. So don't worry about not being MJ, Shailene. I got your back. Go kick some ass with my new Cyclops pick, Theo James. Divergent is in theaters now and Amazing Spider-man 2 swings into theaters May 2nd.
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Read more about it:
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Arrow "Birds of Prey" Thoughts/Review!
Well it's Wednesday night once again so lets recap the latest Arrow shall we? We all know the deal if you havn't seen the episode don't read the article unless you want spoilers. This time around I thought I would shorten this blog a little bit just so we can get through the major plot points and ideas.
So with out further adue...let us begin....
Major Plot Points to the Episode
If I'm not mistaken, I do believe that we are about to see the epic battle between Slade and Ollie next week. After Slade took Thea we know both him and Roy are going to be out of their minds with rage. Also, did Huntress spark something in Laurel that may have stuck. "Once the darkness is inside of you, it will never come out". What the hell is that supposed to mean? Another thing, We know Slade and Brother Blood are working together (think back to earlier episodes), should we expect to see Thea possibly get injected with the miracurue? These are all things to keep in mind as we progress towards the end of season 2. By the way, although some of you may not be satisfied with tonight's episode just keep this in mind, this season has ben absolutely incredible I think we can throw the guys from the show a bone and let them have a couple "filler episodes" as I like to call them.
So with out further adue...let us begin....
Major Plot Points to the Episode
- Huntress (Helena) comes back to kill her Father
- Laurel goes back surprisingly to work as a lawyer
- Ends up being a trap just so Huntress can get close to her father
- Laurel is taken hostage
- Sara tells Ollie she will save Laurel by any means necessary
- Ollie tells Sara she's not a killer... She promptly answers with "Ill be who I have to be"(kinda badass)
- Epic fight scene between Ollie's current and ex girlfriend (Black Canary/Huntress)
- Rogue cop kills Helena's father
- Huntress Captured
- Roy feels he can't control his rage once being out on the field
- Ollie tells him to stay away from Thea to keep her safe
- Roy breaks up with Thea and then is caught with some random blonde chick in the vodka room
- Finally...Slade picks up Thea while she is walking home
Things I enjoyed
- I thought the fight scenes were great this week
- Sara has an even deeper bad ass side then we thought
- Laurel does something (bravo Katie Cassidy proud of you)
- Roy took a bullet in the hand
- Detective Lance seems to be an unofficial Arrow team member
- The brilliant diversion Ollie uses when Lance calls the Arrow's cell phone
- Wouldn't be complete with out Mr. Slade Wilson
Things I Did not like
- Huntress I thought was very bland in this episode
- Seemed a little slow at times (thats ok though this season has been unreal)
- No Diggle :(
- Roy got one actions scene and that was it. Really want to see Arsenal
- Thea Queen is an ugly crier.
- The tension between Ollie and Sara seems to be rising
- Very short appearance by Slade

Things to Watch for in upcoming episodes

black canary,
green arrow,
roy harper,
slade wilson
FOX Releases First OFFICIAL Image of Ben McKenzie as Jim Gordon
And again! I find myself posting some more of Fox's new upcoming TV show Gotham's material. Now we have the official first look at Ben Mckenzie as Jim Gordon. Was not expecting this. Where is the mustache? Where are the glasses? At lease give us the over coat. This is not Jim Gordon folks. In fact, this is just the guy from the OC in a suit. Look, I get that he's supposed to be playing a young Jimbo here. People keep saying he wouldnt have glasses and a mustache because he is young. He's Jim Gordon's he needs glasses and a starched! Honestly, I think Fox got it wrong on this one. Maybe we will see a change as the series progresses, but as far as having that iconic look, I am a little disappointed. Here is the picture lets us know what you think. Do you love it, or do we need Mustaches and Glasses?
ben mckenzie,
gotham city,
jim gordan,
FOX Releases First Image of Jada Pinkett Smith as Fish Mooney
Ok, so what has it been a day now since I posted the last image. Seems my predictions are coming true. Fox is releasing new material on a daily basis and we are here to present it. So today we have Jada Pinkett Smith as Fish Mooney. Since we have nothing to base this character on (made up character), Fox is able to create the image their own way. Lets take a look. So we got some red hair tips. Usually I'm a guy who loves a girl with red hair tips, but as for a tough style gangster set in Gotham, one of the most bad ass cities of all time, I don't know how I feel about it. Also, I was picturing more of a suit style, tommy gun holding Jada Pinkett Smith to depict this "badass" gangster Fish Mooney. Maybe we will see that at some point, it is only two pictures. Having said all that, she is an attractive (sorry Willy), and talented actress so I'm sure she will come into her own and make Fish Mooney a likable character. Until then I'm still on the fence about it. Here are the pics. Let us know what you guys think! Do you like it, or do you hate it?
New Image of Green Goblin from ASM 2!
Sony has released our best look at the Green Goblin yet. If you haven't heard by now Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan) will be the Green Goblin of this franchise. He will be introduced to us and goblinized all in one movie. Webb is clearly taking the Ultimate Gobby route and I don't know what will cause Harry to want to look this way, but If I had to guess he has been doing some major nose candy. To quote the great Rick James "Cocaine is a hell of a drug". Amazing Spider-man 2 swings into theaters May 2nd 2014.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
On this edition of the Caped Informers, Christian, Dan, Ryan and Karl catch up on all the latest comic TV show and movie news that came into the spotlight in the past week. Topics include images from Fox's Gotham TV series, X-men: Days of Future Past's new trailer, Arrow's Suicide Squad episode, The Avengers filming scenes in Italy, and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 final trailer. Enjoy!
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agents of shield,
amazing spiderman 2,
avengers: age of ultron,
captain america:tws,
days of future past,
hugh jackman,
Jennifer Lawrence,
jim Gordon,
marvel studios,
Honest Trailer for Captain America: TFA!
Have a few laughs and get ready for Captain America: The Winter Soldier by watching Screenjunkies' newest honest trailer on the first Cap film. Before Cap hangs out with the likes of Black Widow and Falcon reminisce on how he was skinnier than Christian Bale in The Machinist. Anyway we are only 10 days away from 4/4/14!
Watch more honest trailers:
Here is the trailer for TWS again!
Watch more honest trailers:
Here is the trailer for TWS again!
Corey Stoll To Join Ant-Man!
If you loved the alcoholic and prostitute obsessed Rep. Peter Russo from season 1 of House of Cards, get excited because apparently so did Marvel Studios. Corey Stoll (The Strain) who played Russo, is up for a role in Edgar Wright's Ant-Man. Once again who he will be playing has not been revealed. So we must speculate. Stoll is bald, so my guess is a scientist or Egghead. Ant-Man is expected in theaters July 2015.
Read the Report:

Read the Report:
FOX Releases Official Image of Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin
Here we are again folks, Fox released yet another character image from it's upcoming series Gotham. This time it is Robin Lord Taylor who will be playing Mr. Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin. Lets start with the nose. The iconic Penguin has that pointed nose, as does Taylor. Thats a good start. Next where is the monocle? You mean to tell me that the owner of the prestigious Iceberg Lounge isn't going to have his monocle? This worries me. At least humor us with a cheap pair of reading glasses. Another thing is, this is just a head shot where as the other images that have been revealed were all full body. We all know The Penguin is a plump little man with a big temper, it's hard to even tell if Robin Lord Taylor packed the pounds on, or if he is still the skinny lad we saw in Accepted. I guess we will just have to wait and see. As we always say continue to look for the images and material being released. Heres the image let us know what you guys think!
Also, follow us on Twitter! @Caped_Informers
Also, follow us on Twitter! @Caped_Informers
First Pictures of Ultron From Avengers 2?!!
The other day it was reported that The Avengers: Age of Ultron was filming scenes in Italy with Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor Johnson), and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen). Now we know who they were battling with, the film's big baddie Ultron (James Spader). Thanks to CineFilos, we also now know that Italy is being used as a backdrop for in the fictional Eastern European city of Sokovia and that Ultron is responsible for all the craziness taking place there. So I guess there will be no snowball fights, that's disappointing. The Avengers: Age of Ultron is shooting now and due out in May 2015.
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Looks like it gonna be a fun fight. I found this final picture humorous.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to Play a DC Character?!
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is known for being one of America's biggest action stars. So it is big news to hear that according to an interview courtesy of Comic Book Resources, that The Rock is claiming he has been chosen to play a DC comic character.
Here is a direct quote from the interview:
When pressed for which role he was in talks to play Johnson cryptically responded with three qualities of the character.
“The first quality we were looking for was that he had to be extremely complex and have a lot going on,” he said. “What that does for me as an actor and the studio is it gives us space that we can explore; his complexities. The other quality was that he had to – the character we were looking for had to be well-known but never brought to life. Then what that does again as an actor, it gives me a little bit of space, and we talked about personality. It just gives me a chance to put an imprint into his personality, with the set of tools that I could bring to the table and put a very unique twist on his personality, but still pay homage to who he is.”
So that leaves us with a ton of characters to speculate about. Lots of people are saying he will be playing Darkseid or John Stewart. I'm gonna be different and say he will play Amazo. He does not confirmed that he will be seen in Batman vs. Superman, so I am going to assume he will be part of the Justice League film instead. Anyway, Batman vs. Superman is filming now and is expected out in theaters 2 years 1 month and 12 days from now. Not like I am counting or anything.
Read the interview:
Monday, March 24, 2014
FOX Releases First Official Image of Sean Pertwee as Alfred Pennyworth
I've been saying it every week for the past two weeks and I will continue to say it, got to keep an eye out for GOTHAM releasing new images and new material. Today Fox has graced us with the presence of every one's favorite butler/side kick/voice of reason Alfred Pennyworth (Sean Pertwee). Now this is the youngest Alfred that we have seen on screen to date. He looks younger then Michael Caine in the Dark Knight Trilogy, and he looks younger than the 90s Alfred, horror king Michael Hough. A couple things come to mind after seeing this image. Will there be more young Bruce Wayne air time then we anticipated? How will Alfred's character be portrayed in a show mostly based around Gotham's villains and vigilantes? All I can say is I'm excited and I can not wait for the pilot episode. As I say every week, keep your eyes open for more material and images. Heres the image let us know what you guys think!
gotham city,
jim gordan
New X Men: Days Of Future Past Trailer!
Fox has released a second trailer to its mutant stuffed film X Men: Days Of Future Past. I just keep asking myself is it May yet? The trailer shows some exciting new shots of the Sentinels and their creator Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage) and lots of mutants. Magneto, Professor X, and Wolverine feature prominently of course, but a fair amount of Mystique is seen as well. So if you enjoy yourself lots of Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence, and Michael Fassbender this movie is for you. I mean this movie is jam packed with stars like those Valentine's Day and New Year's Eve movies expect it hopefully will not suck. So I repeat, is it May yet? X Men: Days Of Future Past opens May 22nd.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Avengers: AOU Filming Snow Scenes!
Wanna see Hawkeye, Quicksilver, and Scarlet Witch fight in the snow? Look no further because Avengers: Age of Ultron has granted your wish. Joss Whedon's follow up to 2012's smash hit is filming snowy scenes in Italy according to The site has also posted photos of Fort Bard or where the battle will take place and has also posted inside information claiming actors Jeremy Renner (American Hustle), Aaron Taylor Johnson (Kick Ass), and Elizabeth Olsen (Godzilla) are all in town to partake in the snow fight. Who would win in a snowball fight Hawkeye, Quicksilver or Scarlet Witch? Hawkeye has precision aim, but Quicksilver can dodge anything and Scarlet Witch can use her mind to manipulate the snowballs trajectory. This would be so much easier to choose a winner if the Hulk was involved. You hit Bruce Banner with one snowball then the Hulk straight murders you. Winner Winner! Well anyway, Avengers: Age of Ultron is continuing to film all over the world and is expected in theaters in May 2015.
Read the full story:
See more photos from the set:
Read the full story:
See more photos from the set:
Friday, March 21, 2014
Fox's GOTHAM Releases Image of Future Catwoman Carmen Bicondova
Fox has released the first image of Carmen Bicondova as Selina Kyle(Catwoman). She has definitely nailed the bad ass look. Shes rockin' the black fish tights, the leather jacket, the half fingered gloves (not sure what those are actually called) but I dig it. Every week we get more and more being released about this prequel show. Here is the image let us know what you guys think in the comments!
gotham city,
jim Gordon
Fantastic Four 2 and Wolverine 3 Get Release Dates!
Fox Studios has revealed future release dates for their Marvel properties. IGN and others report that Marvel's First Family will has a confirmed 2017 sequel date, a bold move considering the frosty reception the recent casting decisions for the 2015 movie have received. Fox must have a lot of confidence in Josh Trank/ Simon Kinberg's vision. The report went on to say that a third Wolverine solo outing, to be directed by James Mangold (The Wolverine), will also be in theaters in 2017. This comes at no surprise considering the success of 2013's The Wolverine and the character's overall popularity. Hugh Jackman can thank us for his Capey win anytime. Finally, the studio has also reserved a release date in 2018 for a untitled Marvel project. The Hollywood Reporter is speculating that film will be a Fantastic Four/X-Men crossover. That is something I want to see. I mean we live in the age of superhero film universe building, so I kinda need to see The Thing share a cigar and a drink with Wolvie. Anyway the exact release dates are posted below.
- Fantastic Four 2: July 14, 2017
- Wolverine 3: March 3, 2017
- Untitled Marvel Project: July 13, 2018
Read more about it:
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Patton Oswalt Coming to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has reported that Patton Oswalt (Ratatouille) will be bringing his comedic style to Clark Gregg's neck of the woods. Oswalt will be playing Agent Eric Koenig. That is all we know. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. continues to add guest stars to try to improve its ratings. First it was Bill Paxton, then Jamie Alexander, and now Patton Oswalt. I'm not gonna lie in saying that I really don't give a shit. This is a Marvel superhero show without any superheroes. It would be like if DC did an A.R.G.U.S. (DC's ripoff agency) show. I can't wait until Marvel releases its Defenders series on Netflix and I can binge watch Matt Murdock adventures instead of decieding who I want to be killed off first Fitz or Simmons. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs on Tuesdays at 8 pm on ABC.
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Read more about it:
Harley Quinn's Cameo on Last Night's Arrow!
CW's Arrow dropped an fun universe expanding cameo last night, when voice acting legend Tara Strong spoke a few words as DC fan favorite Harley Quinn! Yea it was short. Yea, it was just a voice. Yea, I shouldn't jump to conclusions that more Gothamites will show up in Starling. BUT IT WAS HARLEY QUINN WHICH MEANS JOKER EXISTS WHICH MEANS SO DOES BATMAN!!! So in conclusion Nightwing better show up in season three or there will be hell to pay. Which other DC characters do you want on Arrow? Plastic Man? Booster Gold? Tell us in the comments section.
Video is property of CW and Warner Bros. TV
DC comics,
green arrow,
harley quinn,
the joker,
warner bros
Arrow "Suicide Squad" Review/Thoughts!
So yesterday was Wednesday, which mean today is Thursday, which means it must be time for the weekly Arrow review blog! Usually this blog comes up on Wednesday night, but I did not watch the episode till late last night. We're all just going to have to deal with it. Now lets get to the review shall we. You know the deal, if you haven't seen the latest episode just don't bother reading this....
Ok so this week's episode was titled "Suicide Squad"and it was a very unique episode to say the least. A usual Arrow episode we should expect to see Ollie running around Starling City doing what he does best as Green Arrow. This was not the case in this episode. This episode focused on our dear friend John Diggle, and his association with the Suicide Squad. Real quick, for those who don't know, the suicide squad is a team of 3 assassins, in this case Deadshot, Tiger, and Shrapnel, all hired by Amanda Waller and her government branch to carry out missions that are deemed suicidal. By helping Waller they get some time out of ARGUS and can do some good deeds. So Dig is forced to work with his greatest rival Deadshot, and become allies with him during the main mission. Waller sets the scene and the mission standards by telling her team that they will be going after a man by the name of Galim Khadier, who Dig has encountered during his tour in Afghanistan. Khadier is a terrorist "turned good guy" as they say in the episode but Waller finds out that he in the possession of a huge container of nerve gas. During the first encounter with Khadier, the Suicide Squad is put to the test of wether or not they can trust each other. Tiger and Deadshot play along, while Shrapnel decides to go rogue. This action causes him to get himself blown up by the explosive devises planted in his head. Yes you read that correctly Waller has put explosive devices in their heads. Sounds like some shit Jigsaw from Saw does right? Anyway Dig is forced to form a trust with Deadshot and through out the episode, Dig begins to see that behind the evil and murderous mask Deadshot hides behind, there is a human with a heart and Dig respects that. The last 10 minuets of the episode our summarized like this. They find the nerve gas container. The squad realizes that Waller wants to blow it up with a drone strike while they are inside (hense Suicide Squad). The drone was set to the GPS in Deadshot's head. They cut the GPS device out of his head. Things blow up. Deadshot and Tiger head back to ARGUS to await another suicide mission.
Switching gears to Ollie. Now our dear archer was not forgotten in this episode by any means. Ollie continues his quest to track down Slade and make sure that this time he stays dead by any means necessary. This means getting the Russian mob involved and pushing Sara away in order to protector her. We all know Black Canary does not stand for such nonsense. In Ollie's journey to tracking Slade we see the iconic "arrow through the eye" symbol Slade is leaving around the city, plus a brief look full suited Deathstroke. The very end of the episode Amanda Waller calls Ollie into her office to tell him they have been tracking a man they have nicknamed "Deathstroke" who has left a humongous trail of bodies that are now leading to Starling City. Needless to say Deathstroke is here.
What I Liked:
Ok so this week's episode was titled "Suicide Squad"and it was a very unique episode to say the least. A usual Arrow episode we should expect to see Ollie running around Starling City doing what he does best as Green Arrow. This was not the case in this episode. This episode focused on our dear friend John Diggle, and his association with the Suicide Squad. Real quick, for those who don't know, the suicide squad is a team of 3 assassins, in this case Deadshot, Tiger, and Shrapnel, all hired by Amanda Waller and her government branch to carry out missions that are deemed suicidal. By helping Waller they get some time out of ARGUS and can do some good deeds. So Dig is forced to work with his greatest rival Deadshot, and become allies with him during the main mission. Waller sets the scene and the mission standards by telling her team that they will be going after a man by the name of Galim Khadier, who Dig has encountered during his tour in Afghanistan. Khadier is a terrorist "turned good guy" as they say in the episode but Waller finds out that he in the possession of a huge container of nerve gas. During the first encounter with Khadier, the Suicide Squad is put to the test of wether or not they can trust each other. Tiger and Deadshot play along, while Shrapnel decides to go rogue. This action causes him to get himself blown up by the explosive devises planted in his head. Yes you read that correctly Waller has put explosive devices in their heads. Sounds like some shit Jigsaw from Saw does right? Anyway Dig is forced to form a trust with Deadshot and through out the episode, Dig begins to see that behind the evil and murderous mask Deadshot hides behind, there is a human with a heart and Dig respects that. The last 10 minuets of the episode our summarized like this. They find the nerve gas container. The squad realizes that Waller wants to blow it up with a drone strike while they are inside (hense Suicide Squad). The drone was set to the GPS in Deadshot's head. They cut the GPS device out of his head. Things blow up. Deadshot and Tiger head back to ARGUS to await another suicide mission.
Switching gears to Ollie. Now our dear archer was not forgotten in this episode by any means. Ollie continues his quest to track down Slade and make sure that this time he stays dead by any means necessary. This means getting the Russian mob involved and pushing Sara away in order to protector her. We all know Black Canary does not stand for such nonsense. In Ollie's journey to tracking Slade we see the iconic "arrow through the eye" symbol Slade is leaving around the city, plus a brief look full suited Deathstroke. The very end of the episode Amanda Waller calls Ollie into her office to tell him they have been tracking a man they have nicknamed "Deathstroke" who has left a humongous trail of bodies that are now leading to Starling City. Needless to say Deathstroke is here.
What I Liked:
- Flashbacks this week were Dig in Afghanistan, I thought that was pretty cool.
- Fleshing out Dig and Deadshot's relationship
- Creator of the Suicide Squad John Ostrander's reference. "The Ostrander Suite"
- Good to see Sara is willing to pay the ultimate price as Ollie says he will do for her
- Did you know Ollie and Thea Queen hate swimming?
- The iconic "arrow through the eye" symbols Slade left for badass
- I demand more Diggle! More Diggle-centric episodes
What I disliked:
- I think they killed Shrapnel off way too early
- Maybe it's just me, but I can't stand Amanda Waller's character
- Still no Roy :( maybe next week.
- Laurel did nothing once again and will continue to do nothing.....
What to expect in upcoming episodes
I think we should be looking out for that battle between Slade and Ollie. We know all signs are leading towards that, its just a matter of when and where. Also, I wouldn't count the Suicide Squad out. I don't think we have seen the last of them. Another thing, I blogged it earlier this week, we should expect some more characters from the DC universe to cross paths in Starling City with the Arrow. Keep it strapped in folks, I have a feeling we are headed for the best episodes yet to come.
There is a time in the episode when Dig is first introduced to the Suicide Squad in ARGUS that we hear a female voice coming from one of the cells. Here is the clip can you guess who this is.....
THATS RIGHT! It has been confirmed that the voice we are hearing from the cell is none other than Harley Quinn!! OH MR. J!!!!!!!!! What a bomb DC dropped. There are reasons Arrow is having so much success, it is moments like this that just give you that warm fuzzy feeling inside and make you giggle with excitement. Yes Harley is a member of the Suicide Squad, but who expected to see or hear that? I can tell you right now, I did not. What can this mean for the future? Hard to say could be just an easter egg for us fans, could be something more. Only time will tell folks so just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Overall I give this episode a 8 out of 10 rating.
Arrow Wednesday's at 8/7 central on the CW
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Concept Art For Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch Revealed!
Marvel has released concept art of the two newest members of the Avengers, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. The brother and sister duo look like a pretty awesome fit into the MCU. My first thought was how much better this Quicksilver looks in comparison to Fox's silver haired seventies look. Aaron Taylor Johnson looks much more like his comic book counterpart than Evan Peters does. Peters looks like someone who drives an ice cream truck around to local playgrounds. Not a good look, bro. Avengers: Age of Ultron is shooting now and will be in theaters in 2015. Who looks better? Let us know in the comments.
Check out more concept art including one of the Hulkbuster:
Final Amazing Spiderman 2 Trailer Is Here!
Here it is folks! The final trailer to Spideys second (Fifth) movie. All in all the whole trailer is one big badass preview. We get to see sneak peaks of the Rhino fight, bits of humor, and the Goblin suit/fight scene. It just looks incredible. I'm sure my other informers are pumped to see this movie. Check it out for yourselves!
The Amazing Spiderman 2
In Theaters May 2nd
The Amazing Spiderman 2
In Theaters May 2nd
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
More Spider-Man Pictures From The Upcoming Spidey Film
Comic Book Movie has released even more set pictures from The Amazing Spiderman 2. These pictures include everything from Spidey himself, to a mini Spiderman??? To narrow it down, I picked my top 4 pictures that I thought were just freakin' amazing....(pun intended)
Here we have Gobby. He still looks like a member of Sum 41, but I feel this picture is a little more creepy and badass from the one we had posted in an earlier article. Also, the OSCORP flight suit looks sweet doesn't it?
Next, this awesome image of Spidey getting shock therapy straight to the brain. All kidding aside, this image is pretty sick, I don't know if this is a part of a fight scene or what but personally, I can't wait to see this live in the movie.
Here we have a pretty good view of Rhino's metal suit in what looks to be a stand off. That is the mini me Spidey I mentioned earlier which can only mean some one will be stopping by soon to save him. All in all awesome image another scene I can't wait to see.
Last but not least.....
Here we have Gobby. He still looks like a member of Sum 41, but I feel this picture is a little more creepy and badass from the one we had posted in an earlier article. Also, the OSCORP flight suit looks sweet doesn't it?
Next, this awesome image of Spidey getting shock therapy straight to the brain. All kidding aside, this image is pretty sick, I don't know if this is a part of a fight scene or what but personally, I can't wait to see this live in the movie.
Here we have a pretty good view of Rhino's metal suit in what looks to be a stand off. That is the mini me Spidey I mentioned earlier which can only mean some one will be stopping by soon to save him. All in all awesome image another scene I can't wait to see.
Last but not least.....
STAN THE MAN!!!! It wouldn't be a Marvel/Spiderman film with out a cameo from the "Father of Comics"
heres the rest of the images from the set!
First Images of Harvey Bullock, Gordon, and Penguin from GOTHAM TV series
Comic Book Resources has revealed the first images from Fox's upcoming television series GOTHAM. These images give us the first look at Harvey Bullock (Donal Logue), Detective Jim Gordan (Ben Mckenzie) and Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin (Lord Taylor). At first glance Logue looks a lot like the classic Batman TAS Harvey Bullock. He's got the trench coat, the hat, and the scruffyness that we love to see. Second, Ben, where is the mustache and glasses??? The people are demanding the iconic Jim Gordan here man. This is just an opinion from the one picture so hopefully we will see the glasses/mustache look. Lastly that news paper Cobblepot is holding we can make out something about a young detective and something about the Wayne Family. Is it the article revealing the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne? Can't be 100% sure but we should continue keeping our eyes open for more on-set pictures.
Feel free to speculate and form your own opinions!! here are the pics and article
Feel free to speculate and form your own opinions!! here are the pics and article
Monday, March 17, 2014
Killer Frost and Vibe leaked to show up in Arrow Episode?!
Comic Book Movie has leaked an article showing that cast from The Flash TV show could be showing up sooner rather than later in an Arrow episode titled "The Man Under the Hood" Now in recent interviews Stephen Amell has stated that we should expect more than one vigilante to end up in Starling City before the season is over. Could this be what he was talking about? Who is to say. This could very well be a rumor too but I guess we will just have to wait and see. The characters we should expect and are rumored to show up are Killer Frost/Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) and Vibe/Carlos Valdez (Cisco Ramon). Take it for what its worth but if this is true, it is extremely exciting to see these two shows crossing over after learning we will not see The Flash. Keep your eyes peeled for this one folks! Arrow returns this Wednesday at 8/7 central on CW.
Check out the link!
Check out the link!
green arrow,
killer frost,
the flash,
the vibe
Thursday, March 13, 2014
NBC releases first image of Matt Ryan as Constantine
There it is folks! NBC's first image of Matt Ryan playing our favorite occult detective. Really diggin the blondness and the fact that its not Keanu Reaves.Check out more
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Dr.Doom Casting Rumors!
The Wrap has reported that Josh Trank has narrowed down his search for an actor to play the FF's archenemy Dr.Doom. He has a shortlist of four actors, who you probably have never heard off. The four are Eddie Redmayne (Les Miserables), Sam Riley (Maleficent), Toby Kebbell (Wrath of the Titians), Domhnall Gleeson (Judge Dredd). The report goes on to say that all the actors are between the ages of 30-34 and all have accents. Well at least it sounds like Doom will sport an accent, that's a plus I guess. I personally would like to see any of these four actors as long as they get their ass kicked by a CGI The Thing. Who do you want to play the leader of Latveria? Tell us in the comments section. Fantastic Four is due out in 2015.
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On this installment of the Caped Informers, Christian, Dan, Karl and Ryan sit down and talk about Fox's upcoming Gotham TV show, as well as Arkham Knight, The Avengers, Sin City, Captain America, The Amazing Spiderman 2 and the Batman/Superman movie. Enjoy!
(Recorded 3/10/14)
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sin city: a dame to kill for,
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Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Fox's Releases Official GOTHAM Logo and Synopsis! has reported that Fox has now set up an official website and twitter account for it's new TV show Gotham. A short synopsis has also been released. Here it is for your viewing pleasure.
"Everyone knows the name Commissioner Gordon. He is one of the crime world’s greatest foes, a man whose reputation is synonymous with law and order. But what is known of Gordon’s story and his rise from rookie detective to Police Commissioner? What did it take to navigate the multiple layers of corruption that secretly ruled Gotham City, the spawning ground of the world’s most iconic villains? And what circumstances created them – the larger-than-life personas who would become Catwoman, The Penguin, The Riddler, Two-Face and The Joker?
GOTHAM is an origin story of the great DC Comics super villains and vigilantes, revealing an entirely new chapter that has never been told. From executive producer/writer Bruno Heller (“The Mentalist,” “Rome”), GOTHAM follows one cop’s rise through a dangerously corrupt city teetering on the edge of evil and chronicles the birth of one of the most popular super heroes of our time.
Growing up in Gotham City’s surrounding suburbs, JAMES GORDON (Ben McKenzie, “Southland,” “The O.C.”) romanticized the city as a glamorous and exciting metropolis where his late father once served as a successful district attorney. Now, two weeks into his new job as a Gotham City detective and engaged to his beloved fiancée, BARBARA KEAN (Erin Richards, “Open Grave,” “Breaking In”), Gordon is living his dream – even as he hopes to restore the city back to the pure version he remembers it was as a kid.
Brave, honest and ready to prove himself, the newly-minted detective is partnered with the brash, but shrewd police legend HARVEY BULLOCK (Donal Logue, “Sons of Anarchy,” “Terriers,” “Vikings,” “Copper”), as the two stumble upon the city’s highest-profile case ever: the murder of local billionaires Thomas and Martha Wayne. At the scene of the crime, Gordon meets the sole survivor: the Waynes’ hauntingly intense 12-year-old son, BRUCE (David Mazouz, “Touch”), toward whom the young detective feels an inexplicable kinship. Moved by the boy’s profound loss, Gordon vows to catch the killer.
As he navigates the often-underhanded politics of Gotham’s criminal justice system, Gordon will confront imposing gang boss FISH MOONEY (Jada Pinkett Smith, “The Matrix” films, “HawthoRNe,” “Collateral”), and many of the characters who will become some of fiction’s most renowned, enduring villains, including a teenaged SELINA KYLE/the future CATWOMAN (acting newcomer Camren Bicondova) and OSWALD COBBLEPOT/THE PENGUIN (Robin Lord Taylor, “The Walking Dead,” “Another Earth”).
Although the crime drama will follow Gordon’s turbulent and singular rise through the Gotham City police department, led by Police Captain SARAH ESSEN (Zabryna Guevara, “Burn Notice”), it also will focus on the unlikely friendship Gordon forms with the young heir to the Wayne fortune, who is being raised by his unflappable butler, ALFRED (Sean Pertwee, “Camelot,” “Elementary”). It is a friendship that will last them all of their lives, playing a crucial role in helping the young boy eventually become the crusader he’s destined to be.
GOTHAM is based upon characters published by DC Comics and is produced by Warner Bros. Television. Executive producer Bruno Heller (“The Mentalist”) wrote the pilot, which will be directed and executive-produced by Emmy Award nominee Danny Cannon (the “CSI” series, “Nikita”).
So finally we kinds have an idea of what to should expect. Gordon's story as a young detective on the force, taking on the HUGE case of the mysterious murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Also, we'll see the first connection he makes with Bruce. Another thing I really liked was that the show will focus on the origins of the villains we have come to love. So expect an early version of Edward Nygma or maybe even a Jack Napier sighting. As always keep your eyes peeled for more info about this show....
Oh and here is the official logo...
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"Everyone knows the name Commissioner Gordon. He is one of the crime world’s greatest foes, a man whose reputation is synonymous with law and order. But what is known of Gordon’s story and his rise from rookie detective to Police Commissioner? What did it take to navigate the multiple layers of corruption that secretly ruled Gotham City, the spawning ground of the world’s most iconic villains? And what circumstances created them – the larger-than-life personas who would become Catwoman, The Penguin, The Riddler, Two-Face and The Joker?
GOTHAM is an origin story of the great DC Comics super villains and vigilantes, revealing an entirely new chapter that has never been told. From executive producer/writer Bruno Heller (“The Mentalist,” “Rome”), GOTHAM follows one cop’s rise through a dangerously corrupt city teetering on the edge of evil and chronicles the birth of one of the most popular super heroes of our time.
Growing up in Gotham City’s surrounding suburbs, JAMES GORDON (Ben McKenzie, “Southland,” “The O.C.”) romanticized the city as a glamorous and exciting metropolis where his late father once served as a successful district attorney. Now, two weeks into his new job as a Gotham City detective and engaged to his beloved fiancée, BARBARA KEAN (Erin Richards, “Open Grave,” “Breaking In”), Gordon is living his dream – even as he hopes to restore the city back to the pure version he remembers it was as a kid.
Brave, honest and ready to prove himself, the newly-minted detective is partnered with the brash, but shrewd police legend HARVEY BULLOCK (Donal Logue, “Sons of Anarchy,” “Terriers,” “Vikings,” “Copper”), as the two stumble upon the city’s highest-profile case ever: the murder of local billionaires Thomas and Martha Wayne. At the scene of the crime, Gordon meets the sole survivor: the Waynes’ hauntingly intense 12-year-old son, BRUCE (David Mazouz, “Touch”), toward whom the young detective feels an inexplicable kinship. Moved by the boy’s profound loss, Gordon vows to catch the killer.
As he navigates the often-underhanded politics of Gotham’s criminal justice system, Gordon will confront imposing gang boss FISH MOONEY (Jada Pinkett Smith, “The Matrix” films, “HawthoRNe,” “Collateral”), and many of the characters who will become some of fiction’s most renowned, enduring villains, including a teenaged SELINA KYLE/the future CATWOMAN (acting newcomer Camren Bicondova) and OSWALD COBBLEPOT/THE PENGUIN (Robin Lord Taylor, “The Walking Dead,” “Another Earth”).
Although the crime drama will follow Gordon’s turbulent and singular rise through the Gotham City police department, led by Police Captain SARAH ESSEN (Zabryna Guevara, “Burn Notice”), it also will focus on the unlikely friendship Gordon forms with the young heir to the Wayne fortune, who is being raised by his unflappable butler, ALFRED (Sean Pertwee, “Camelot,” “Elementary”). It is a friendship that will last them all of their lives, playing a crucial role in helping the young boy eventually become the crusader he’s destined to be.
GOTHAM is based upon characters published by DC Comics and is produced by Warner Bros. Television. Executive producer Bruno Heller (“The Mentalist”) wrote the pilot, which will be directed and executive-produced by Emmy Award nominee Danny Cannon (the “CSI” series, “Nikita”).
So finally we kinds have an idea of what to should expect. Gordon's story as a young detective on the force, taking on the HUGE case of the mysterious murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Also, we'll see the first connection he makes with Bruce. Another thing I really liked was that the show will focus on the origins of the villains we have come to love. So expect an early version of Edward Nygma or maybe even a Jack Napier sighting. As always keep your eyes peeled for more info about this show....
Oh and here is the official logo...
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Full Flash Suit Revealed!
CW has released the first full image of Grant Gustin in the Flash suit and all I can say is Wow! I have been begging for the Bat suit, but damn this Flash looks pretty fly. Grant is wearing the iconic Flash symbol and colors with an updated cowl with the ears pinned back. Great looking suit, but will it pop out of the Flash ring? Only time will tell. The Flash pilot is being filmed now.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Batman vs. Superman Has Begun Filming! has reported that filming for Batman vs Superman has begun in Metamora, Michigan. Finally! Now just show us a picture of the new Bat suit already! Give us something Warner Bros, if you 're making us wait till 2016 for this film. Just one taste that is all we need.
The report went on to say that it is unknown if any of the major stars are shooting yet. So it remains to be seen if Jesse Eisenberg is now bald. He is probably trying to hold on to those luscious locks as long as possible before having to say goodbye for about nine months. Hopefully, we get some kind of set pic soon. Batman vs. Superman is expected in theater May 6th 2016.
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The report went on to say that it is unknown if any of the major stars are shooting yet. So it remains to be seen if Jesse Eisenberg is now bald. He is probably trying to hold on to those luscious locks as long as possible before having to say goodbye for about nine months. Hopefully, we get some kind of set pic soon. Batman vs. Superman is expected in theater May 6th 2016.
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Saturday, March 8, 2014
Webb Reveals The Rhino is Only in ASM 2 for 4 Minutes!
Director Marc Webb has revealed that The Rhino will only be in 4 minutes of the Amazing Spider-man sequel. Looks like from what we have seen in the trailers, Paul Giamatti will only have time to get his ass kicked by Spidey with no suit, then get manhole covered in the Rhino suit, then thrown in jail until ASM 3 or the planned Sinister Six spinoff. Well that solves the "too many villains" problem. So Spidey will spend the movie fighting Electro and Dane Dehaan's scaly face. Get pumped! Amazing Spider-man 2 swings into theaters in May.
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