So with out further adue...let us begin....
Major Plot Points to the Episode
- Huntress (Helena) comes back to kill her Father
- Laurel goes back surprisingly to work as a lawyer
- Ends up being a trap just so Huntress can get close to her father
- Laurel is taken hostage
- Sara tells Ollie she will save Laurel by any means necessary
- Ollie tells Sara she's not a killer... She promptly answers with "Ill be who I have to be"(kinda badass)
- Epic fight scene between Ollie's current and ex girlfriend (Black Canary/Huntress)
- Rogue cop kills Helena's father
- Huntress Captured
- Roy feels he can't control his rage once being out on the field
- Ollie tells him to stay away from Thea to keep her safe
- Roy breaks up with Thea and then is caught with some random blonde chick in the vodka room
- Finally...Slade picks up Thea while she is walking home
Things I enjoyed
- I thought the fight scenes were great this week
- Sara has an even deeper bad ass side then we thought
- Laurel does something (bravo Katie Cassidy proud of you)
- Roy took a bullet in the hand
- Detective Lance seems to be an unofficial Arrow team member
- The brilliant diversion Ollie uses when Lance calls the Arrow's cell phone
- Wouldn't be complete with out Mr. Slade Wilson
Things I Did not like
- Huntress I thought was very bland in this episode
- Seemed a little slow at times (thats ok though this season has been unreal)
- No Diggle :(
- Roy got one actions scene and that was it. Really want to see Arsenal
- Thea Queen is an ugly crier.
- The tension between Ollie and Sara seems to be rising
- Very short appearance by Slade

Things to Watch for in upcoming episodes

Huntress is a lame ass villain