Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Andy Serkis Has Role In 'Avengers: AOU' !

A few weeks back, The King of Mo-Cap acting Andy Serkis (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) was called to the Avengers: Age of Ultron set to help Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo (13 Going On 30) perfect his performance. Now Hitfix is reporting that Serkis was there for more than just to help out Ruffalo and may have an actual role in the film. Today Hitfix's Drew McWeeny wrote about his sources on the set saying "...They clarified that he (Andy Serkis) is only playing one character in the film, and that the nature of that role is still meant to be a secret."

So who is this secret character that Serkis is playing? So many possibilities. With his mo-cap skills he can legitimately play just about anyone in the MCU. Whoever it is, I guarantee that it will be a scene stealer. Serkis's Gollum and Caesar performances are iconic and I expect nothing less from him as a Marvel character.

Source: Hitfix

I loved Cap 2 and X-Men: DOFP, but Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is my most anticipated movie of the summer. I am on the edge of my seat for every word Caesar speaks. Gonna be insanely epic. 

If Andy Serkis is playing Doop I can die a happy man. I need to see this picture in live action!

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