Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday Title Pull List: (7/8/14)

Some interesting new title launches this week. Miguel O'Hara gets his own series. The Suicide Squad gets a roster update that includes Deathstroke and Black Manta. And lastly the first issue of Grayson will be hitting shelves. I despise the idea of Dick Grayson becoming a secret agent. That being said I still will be picking up Agents of D.I.C.K. (as I like to call it) this week to support the character.

1. New Suicide Squad #1 (DC)

2. Spiderman 2099 #1 (Marvel)

3. Amazing X-Men #9 (Marvel)

4. Detective Comics #33 (DC)

5. Grayson #1 (DC)

Christian's Extra Pick: Deadpool #31 (Marvel)

Way too excited for this new Suicide Squad roster. Can't wait to read this new team dynamic. Deathstroke doesn't seem too keen on being a team player. Thanks for reading and make sure to follow us on  Twitter @Caped_Informers or me @cstrand73 to stay up to date on all comic news.

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