So despite my cable cutting in and out, I did not miss the plot points...
Major Plot Points
- Roy escapes the Arrow cave
- Roy goes on a rampage
- Roy starts killing people
- Team Arrow goes after Roy all except Diggle who is instructed to watch Thea
- Meanwhile Moria Queen tells Sebastian Blood her decision to drop out of the election
- Roy takes out a huge group of dudes, including Sin, and runs for refuge in Sin's clock tower
- Arrow and Canary follow him there
- Canary gets knocked out, Roy catches Arrow's arrow (hehehe) then promptly dislocates his knee
- Roy has hallucinations of Thea telling him to kill her
- Moria Queen and Ollie patch up their relationship and Ollie tells his dear mother not to drop out to prove to Thea that she is doing something right
- Moria knows Ollie's secret and says how proud she is
- Moria goes public with the announcement shes not dropping out
- Thea uses the speech to draw Roy out of hiding
- Sara says Roy has too far gone and must be killed
- Intense moment between Roy and Sara as she has a gun pointed at his head
- She instead shoots him in the leg, while Ollie injects him with three arrows of viper venom
- Sara decides to leave because she is not what Ollie wants her to be (please come back)
- The Queens continue on in their limo and they decide no more secrets
- The limo is attacked by none other than Slade Wilson
- Slade tells Ollie to choose who he is to kill Moria or Thea
- Moria chooses herself, and she is run right through with a sword
- Slade has one more person to kill on his list before Ollie.....(I think we know who)
- Oh and Ollie has a child running around Central City somewhere?!?!

What I liked:
- Badass Roy....Imagine what it will be like when he controls his powers
- Action scenes were just simply amazing
- Good to see Moria Queen and Ollie patch things up
- Ollie has the strength of many men to fight through that leg pain
- Heart racing episode through and through
- Another Central City name drop
- Moria Queen with long hair is a total MILF
- Slade you sick bastard
- The anticipation for next week is unreal
- 3 more weeks!!!!!

What I disliked:
- Diggle got his ass kicked
- Thea is still a whiney little bitch
- Sara is leaving :(
- Moria is dead (that could go either way depending on your view of the character)
- the CW Will They? Won't They moments (we all know them)
- What was the big secret about Malcom Merlyn?
What to expect in the last 3 WEEKS!!!!
Honestly, after tonight, I can't even begin to describe where it will head next. They did show a little preview for next week we see the return of Brother Blood, Slade's army, and another masked vigilante. Since it was so quick I could not tell who it was. Anyways, clearly Oliver Queen's world is beginning to shatter around him as we knew it would. No money, Sara leaves so he has no girlfriend, and now my favorite candidate for the Starling City election/his mother is dead. What else can Slade do??? I think we all know who that last person he is referring to is. I wont say it because I could be wrong, but I have an idea. By the way, who the hell is Ollie's kid in Central City. Was that another Flash reference? Is Wally West running around Central City? Is Kid Flash in the Arrowverse????? WHAT AREN'T THEY TELLING US?!?!?!?! Damn you. But I digress, next week should be unreal as well.
All in all I give this episode an 8.5 out of 10 rating!
Arrow on the CW 8/7
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