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Sinister Six Spin-Off not Expected to Showcase the Classic Six?
In a recent interview with IGN movies, the guys in charge of the Sinister Six spin-off Matt Tolmach and Avi Arad talked a little bit about what direction they planned to go in regarding their movie. They said and I quote "Nothing is sacred. I mean it’s going to be the best Six that you can imagine, but it’s going to make sense in the world that we’re building." They have also said that it won't be the classic Sinister Six mash up. My one question is why? We have an iconic team up of villains, who have such evil pasts and want nothing more than to destroy what ever is in front of them, but these guys are telling us we can't have that. Kind of grinds your gears to say the least. Also, they chose to blame the Rhino suit in the new movie on the fans saying that if they put Paul Giamattie in a leather suit, they would have hated it. I think the armored suit is fantastic and fits the movie great. I could understand why these guys chose to address that though. There is always going to be some one who hates your decision, even if you're Ben Affleck, then half the comic book world hates you playing Batman. I and my fellow informers are not part of that group (we support Batfleck). But getting back on target here, these guys say they will make the best Sinister Six we can think of? Well I hope so, but just to give them some ideas, here is my idea of the best Sinister Six baddies....
1. Doc. Ock-You don't have the Sinister Six with out their fearless leader.
2. Mysterio-Personal favorite of mine. Very underrated if you ask me. He's just as bad ass as any other Spidey villain, and when you throw magic and illusion into it this guy can't be stopped.
3. Green Goblin-Being featured in one, soon to be two, Spider-Man films, he pretty much is set up to join the Six. It would make the most sense.
4. Kraven the Hunter- If anyone can track the Spider, its Kraven. Marvel's greatest hunter, plus has that "never give up" attitude, this guy can play for my team any day.
5. Electro- He will be a villain in ASM2, why not just ask him to join the six. Perhaps we will see that. We will have to see how his performance in the movie is.
6. Vulture- Adrian Toomes, one of the original members from the comics. Plus, we see his wings and Doc. Ock's arms in a clip during ASM2. The producers have said don't pay too much mind into that clip, well I am what ever.
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