Major Plot Points
- Episode opens with Moria's funeral
- Oliver Queen is not in attendance
- The search for Ollie begins
- Dig and Felicity seek the help of Amanda Lawler after failing to find Ollie themselves
- The reincarnated Isabelle Roschev informes Thea Verdant is closing
- ARGUS team finds Ollie in a hide out that was unknown to every one except Ollie
- Ollie claims to sacrifice himself to end the suffering of his friends and family
- Laurel does some detective work and discovers the new Mayor Blood is working with Slade and was involved with Moria's murder
- When Ollie goes to meet Slade, he is shot with what I can assume is a sleeping dart
- He awakens not only to his team, but to Laurel who reveals she has known since Slade told her
- The combination of both Felicity and Laurel convince Ollie that the city needs him more than ever
- Laurel also tells Ollie of Sebastian Blood's involvement with Slade and his mother's murder
- Team Arrow moves in on Blood
- Felicity shoes her true colors by completely (or almost completely) bankrupting Blood's personal body guard who has about 2 million dollars to his name
- Ollie and Sebasitan sit down where Ollie reveals to Blood he is the Arrow and Blood reveals to Ollie the plans for his army
- Ollie tracks Blood underground to discover his army is prepped and ready
- Fight scenes finally begin not only underground, but in the train station where Thea is, and the Police Station where Officer Lance is
- Ollie is saved by Laurel while being choked
- Diggle gets knocked out by Ravager aka Isabelle Roschev dressed in a horrible replication of Slade's suit
- Ollie and Laurel are buried beneath a pile or rubble after blowing up the ceiling
- Blood's army released into the streets
What I Liked:
- The back up Arrow cave
- Laurel looks to be getting involved with team Arrow
- Ollie realizes how much the city needs him
- The bad ass moves by Felicity
- Slade/Blood's army looks badass
- The undercover foot soldiers of the army planted amongst the city
- Things are about to really heat up in Starling
What I Disliked:
- Episode didn't pick up until the last 10 minutes
- Lot of up and down CW moments
- Lots of talking and repetitive conversations
- Barley any action this week
- Where is Sara?
- Roy?
What to Expect in the Final 2 WEEKS?!?!
Ok so despite tonights filler/exposition episode setting up for the finale, there are certain things we should be looking forward to. The Queen's are officially bankrupt, orphans, and unknown to Ollie he lost the club as well which means his Arrow cave. Also, the greatest battle of his vigilante career is just about to get started. According to the preview for next week we see the return of a familiar character. I don't want to reveal too much before next week, but what will this character be doing while all this is going on. I also think its time to address this Felicity situation. She gets a call from STAR Labs which we know is working on the mirakuru but then we noticed Laurel question where she was. That question ended the preview for next week. Is Felicity bound to die next week? Is she leaving to go to Central City??? Does Laurel shooting a bow mean she could be more useful than most of us thought? I wouldn't mind more Katie Cassidy. Strap in for these next 2 weeks my friends. Things are about to go off.
All in all I give tonight's episode a 6 out of 10 rating!
Arrow Wednesdays 8/7 on CW